Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

The University's result came out yesterday.
The website was loading damn slow, and I was like so nervous when I saw a lil a lil thing appearing on the monitor.
I was so Happy and Speechless at the moment I see the result. University Utara Malaysia - Bachelor Of Business Administration. Okay, this is the course and U that I desire. There were 8 choices and I got the 3rd ! =D

Orientation week is starting on 4th July. The place was damn far, Sintok-Kedah

[ This is small, do click to enlarge ]

There are few friends will be same with me. Some got the Same U, Some got the Same Course.

..Thank you to those who congratulated me

1 Confessions:

but jz want to remind u, mz b careful of ur privacy oh~ dun simply show ur personal details to public, e.g. ic number...

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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