Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

As you know, I'm blasting off to University Utara Malaysia so soon.
There are plenty of things and preparations I had to do before I go there.

Firstly, there are so many forms that I have to fill up in order to pass it up to the officer there after I get in. Of course, they got co-curriculum session there, I have to post the form earlier by pos express to UUM to get the choice I want that is Sport Science.
Due to ptptn loan, I bought a pin.number from BSN. Then, I sent the online application form after doing some  fillings. I have to print some forms from the ptptn website but unfortunate my printer is not working. Sob.

Secondly, is about the attire there. Basically, every student there must, take my word "must" be in formal wear whenever you're going to a class. Jeans and Short pants are not allowed other than Slack if you're going class or library. For males, we must put on a tie, if you refuse to do so, a "saman" of rm30 will be given. What the heck?!
So, I don't have many formal wears so I bought some purposely, it is not cheap whey. =( Including tiesss

I'll be going there on 3rd july. My family and I will drop by around Kedah to stay one night because it is too far and my registration session will be on 8.30-11.30 the next day. Well, Hotel is booked earlier of course. Hahaha.
From next week onwards, I'll be leaving here for a new environment. I have to wash my own clothes, no air-cond room for me to sleep anymore, New culture, New friends, New Room. But its the very chance for me to be independent myself.

It was like I'll be coming back every half a year. I'll seldom online there. But I'll work harder there, I'll bring many fantastic news and gossips back. I'll be talking about how much fun I'll be having there!

I'll miss my family,
I'll miss my mom's food so much,
I'll miss my beloved friends,
I'll miss my bed too.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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