Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Yesterday, friday is considered as saturday if you are living in Kedah like me.
there is no class yesterday, so we decided to get ourself out of here. We went Jitra Mall, somewhere in Kedah.

From the beginning, we're waiting for bus. But there are no buses that actually pass by our residential hall because its full when they round other residential hall first. we were the last one. so, don't hope you'll get a place inside. Instead, we called for taxi, the last choice for us to get there early. Before that, we'd waited for 1 hour plus for bus.

We reached the Mall and its not like the Mall you'll see in Klang, its smaller. Even the cinema there is not GCS or TGV. at least they are showing the latest show. So, we went for Twilight : Eclipse. Eclipse is better than the previous one, Saga. I bet most of you went for this, so I'll skip the feelings-after-watching thingy.

we went for bowling too, we walked around, we went for lunch in a restaurant named "NewTown". I'm like why not "Old Town"? I miss old town. =(

Okay, the angriest thing of all, we have to wait for bus to go back of course, and the people are like squeezing each another to get themself into the bus. Hell la, can't you guys be a little more polite? there are plenty of buses, is just that you have to wait. I missed 2 buses because of the roughness of the people thinking that they won't get themself back if they missed the bus. So, I waited with 2 of my friends.

We get on the bus at last after 1 hour plus. The bus went inside our campus but he is not going to my residential hall place. I walk damn far, imagine damn far about 1 plus Kilometres to get myself a car with another 8 people that is staying in the same place as me. I swear I won't get myself on that bus again. It was tired afterall yesterday.

Class is starting tomorrow, everything is back to normal as well as the bus schedule.
To anyone who is reading this, no matter where you are and who you are, Take Care over there.
I miss Klang...


1 Confessions:

Really kiam pa la tat bus..and those passangers! Fvk!..see ur post also feel like whacking them..lolxx!~Anyway..Take Care whey =)..
We are missing u =)..Chen's family..kaka!

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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