Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

just a short post here, I can't crap much.

Okay, I settle everything here in UUM,
I've went through one tough orientation week. Its tiring and you know, boring.
Thank god my roommate is good.. some unlucky one will have boring roommates. But not mine. =D

As I said, I washed my own clothes,
I live everything my own now.
but the thing is I still can't adapt my own that I can't actually online everyday. I'm gonna be so outdated.

Actually that is not so bad from what I thought earlier.
I like the surrounding here, you know ULU places produre fresh air. Okay, I'll be healthier here at least compared to the surrounding there at Klang. Right?

But, I got problems.
Problem with the bus timetable, I'm not familiar with the bus timetable here, and I don't get to go into campus by bus today because there is none today. SWT. that means I have to stay inside my hostel the whole day today. so bad right. I'm staying 3km from campus.

another thing is the timetable for my class. everyone got their timetable except me. I went and ask the people, the person checked for me on internet and came out nothing in the timetable. WTH?! so I'll be starting my class after I'm done with my subjects. I have to add every subject I want all over again. Because mostly the university do for us for our first sem. I don't get the privilege.

 I'm on line using the lab's computer. Its free :D

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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