Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I'm slowly adopting myself in this University.

Let me tell you what happened here, if you're interested with what I'm gonna tell you, keep yourself reading, or else it will be boring you know.

Ok, you're interested..

Living in this University is not like what I'd thought it would be.
I thought it will be so damn boring here with the classes, the campus will be full of unknown peoples, I'll be wasting my time in activities, the routine everyday is just sleep-study-eat, I'll be facing inconvenient buying things, I'll be so disconnected with the world outside.

But I'd found out that I'm so wrong.

Actually living in a place like this (ULU PLACE) is a good experience for me to actually learn. I'll tell you about it later. be patient ah.
I'm wrong for all the thoughts. The class is damn boring here of course, but its about the lecturer, I form groups for assignment purpose and I make friends in it. everything went opposite with friends inside a class. Not lonely anymore. The activities here are a lot, it depends on what you'd join and how you manage your time. Organizing big event is fun and I'll learn so much from that. My routine no longer s-s-e. It became sleep-meetings-assignments-gathering-talking-grouping-study-and so on.. sounds fun for me right. I'm meeting new friends here. And also my current friends! they do company me a lot! :D I'm able to search for everything I need here, they got markets, bookshop, cafes, and even pasar malam! etc etc.

I know what is it like to face a crowd on the stage,
I know what is needed to face nervous cases, COURAGE,
I'd learned what its like to live by yourself,
I'd learned what is so called PERSEVERANCE.

the best of all is, I've Learned to be a better ME!

I'd joined a singing competition few days ago,
I were able to get in to Semi-Final only. but this helps a lot in pushing up my braveness. Woohoo.
Thanks to my fellow Friends who went and supported me that days. I appreciate it so much!

Klang, I'm still missing you.. I'll be back soon.

Notice the Rainbows. there are two.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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