Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I make new friends here of course. Although my residential hall is far away from campus. but certain people here is nice and friendly. I don't know everyone here, so I mentioned "Certain". I'm not accusing that others are not friendly, is just that "I-don't-know-you". There are a group of crazy friends that they'll actually laugh out so loud and talk everything with you. Is difficult to find friends that you'll actually sit down and talk what you want, and he/she/they'll listen to what you are crapping there. Especially in a new environment. Anyway, my adaptation skill is good.

I met some people here is like, "I-don't-need-to-care-about", some will like "Whatever", some is like "Are you smiling with me? I look away first". I'll feel like you're not friendly at all. People make moves and you just act nothing. Just to tell that, Don't Choose Friends. I wish to make friend with the people here as much as I could, and I did. Some will just think that "Omg, he got another one again" when it comes to the opposite gender. Like I'm being wrong for making girl's friends. I know - Jealousy.

I'm still the same Me.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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