Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Sunday, but its not a sunny day. Keep raining nowadays.

Linda, Jaces, Florence the just florida, Kelvin and Lee Jing went for AIESEC Alumni Hat Party yesterday. I'm unable to join them due to budget because I'm going back on the coming saturday. Feel a bit wasted. Can't wait to see their photos at the party. I bet it was Awesome.

I got no classes today. So nice right. I never had this time since I'm here. Today is the day I can consider myself relaxing inside my room watching drama and facebooking the whole day. Rainy day make me sleep well too.

Btw, I'm going back a I mentioned up there. Teehee. It's like finally, I've been waiting this for long time already. but I have to dump my gang here. sorry guys. I can't make it for the final AIESEC gathering which is supposed to be planned by Me. Feeling irresponsible.  =(

Klang, I'm coming back !

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