Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

It was nice when you met strangers and slowly you guys became friends. 

I met a group of very nice and friendly interns recently. They were so friendly and its like you can talk everything about them and get to know their culture. 
we came out with a 'buddy system' and my buddy now is an intern named ANA. She's a Brazilian ! She's very nice and friendly. 

I just hope that they learned and Enjoy this internship !

I'm going back very soon, within 7hours for my Chinese New Year Break ! Looking forward to meet my old friends. 

Happy Chinese New Year in advanced !


All I have to say the Date today is nice. Five 1 all together.

So, I dated Linda for passport session. We went there early, so we have to wait only 1hour after we got our receipt in within 10mins just after we took our number. We went Mamak for our breakfast in between that.
So, my passport is done. Date me out !

Lets have story here.
Last semester result was out last few days. You know what, I got a not bad result. Although its not considered very good. But I'm satisfied with it. And then, I just don't really like when people were comparing with yours, especially when they are complaining theirs were like not good at all but actually theirs were way higher than mine. 
Setting high target is good. But just don't keep complaining if what done is done. Accept the fact and do better in the coming one. I know practice makes perfect, but no one can really be perfect enough. :D

you decide. 

I'm going back UUM on the coming friday !
See ya my friends !


everyone do have feelings. So, so do I. 

what kind of feelings I have? Hmmm, sometimes I might be angry, sometimes I'm happy and sometimes deep down I'm sad too. People have many kind of feelings such as what you're feeling right now, you know that.

Let me talk about how I feel in my first semester holidays.
First of all, I feel awesome after MyLDS. We got more bonding with no matter other people from different University or other country and our own as well. I like meeting new people. They gave us different thoughts and different view. right?
throughout these holidays, I feel excited, I can meet my friends back here. Some of them were working, some of them came back from far away and this is the chance we got to meet each other although its not been long since we last met. But its great hearing what happened around them when I'm not around. those funny funny thing, scandal cases. hahaha
Plus, my little sister were officially a student in primary school. She's growing of course and the funny thing is she got caned today because she missed out a page of colouring homework that her teacher gave her yesterday. So funny when she's complaining that to my mom and act embarrassed when I'm asking her about the caning case.

What I'm thinking? 
You don't need many friends to proof anything.
You only need friends that can proof everything.

so, whats yours?

Okay, left about 1 more week to go back there.
I'll be coming back few days before Chinese New Year and that will be so nice. 


Yeah it's a brand new year again, it's 2011 now.
What? you have tasks to be complete last year but haven't completed yet?
you have peoples that you haven't met last year?
you have regrets that you don't wish to face it again?
Well, no matter what it is. Go for what you think it's the best for you and let's live this brand new year like you never before !  

Lets start it with the first wish. Emm..
- I wish that my next wish will be granted ! XD - 


Hey there. Ya, I'm telling what happened in the 6days conference.

I joined CD team. As a "Dancing King" which came out with a Dynamite Square Dance.
For the CD team role, we promote about the conference for people to join so that UUM will still be the most delegates as previous years. Well, we tried and it seems our delegates are the most throughout the conference. yeah, we maintained. Now, I'll briefly explain what happened that few days..

the first day,

all I can say is the opening plenary was so hyper. My hyper mean High and FUN. everyone were like shouting inside the hall. We had a simulation that day which is the Bomb Shelter Game. All of us have to choose an occupation and there will be only 4 survive out of 9. So, either you fight for your own or die. ya, its kinda difficult to make people believing you and make the right decision as they are in the same situation too.

the second day,

we had a cooperate bootcamp where we have to come out with a new product for "labor who is working during winter time". we have to do a lot of stuffs. we have to come out with designs, plans, SWOT. we have to merge with another group for another combination of new product. and lastly presentation in Advertisement form. Brainstorming, Generating ideas is not easy. but we made it. You will experience diverse working way, it will be so different.

the third day,

ya, the affair ! it is also known as Global Village where every University will set up a booth representing a country that is given to them. For ours, we are "Azerbaijian". I bet you don't know what it is. Azerbaijian is located between Russia and Pakistan but it is still considered as in asia. On that night, we had an Azerbaijian dance performed by CD team. the event is so cool. you can see people dressed up so do us.

that's us ! Azerbaijian Attire. I'm the one with songkok too

the fourth day,

on this day, "Council Of All Being", we were given an element, my group got human - poverty. we have to fight for "why human should live". okay, they were like argue when they voicing out their thoughts.
After that session, we were given time to create a Project based on Exchange. My group got the best Project. It is good, at least I learned something about the technique dealing with companies. =D


the fifth day,

AMAN - AIESEC Malaysia Award Night / One Night Stand. yes, this event was held in one of the Johor Bahru Hotel. you know why one night stand? it is because we were standing for the whole night. Awesome ! our LC (Local Committee) got the most award including the Top Gun LC ! Congratulations. It will be a motivation for us to maintain our performance ! on that night, we aka CD Team performed as well. We dance again, I Like It - Enrique ! unfortunately the PA system is not going so well. but we Enjoyed !

the CD Team !

the sixth day, last day

It made me sad that day, when you have to end the conference. they put videos and slide shows. But I bet I'll meet again with my friends i know there. so that's why I said, MyLDS is a conference you can't miss.

Next Up, Photos

Conference Hall, that's UUM-ers 

Group 3 - Sisqo ! 

CD Team !

All of these are Management type coursemate
from different University

Jaces - Monique & Me

My Facilitator from Philippine !

UUM & USM - ers

My Sugar Cube and M3



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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