Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

everyone do have feelings. So, so do I. 

what kind of feelings I have? Hmmm, sometimes I might be angry, sometimes I'm happy and sometimes deep down I'm sad too. People have many kind of feelings such as what you're feeling right now, you know that.

Let me talk about how I feel in my first semester holidays.
First of all, I feel awesome after MyLDS. We got more bonding with no matter other people from different University or other country and our own as well. I like meeting new people. They gave us different thoughts and different view. right?
throughout these holidays, I feel excited, I can meet my friends back here. Some of them were working, some of them came back from far away and this is the chance we got to meet each other although its not been long since we last met. But its great hearing what happened around them when I'm not around. those funny funny thing, scandal cases. hahaha
Plus, my little sister were officially a student in primary school. She's growing of course and the funny thing is she got caned today because she missed out a page of colouring homework that her teacher gave her yesterday. So funny when she's complaining that to my mom and act embarrassed when I'm asking her about the caning case.

What I'm thinking? 
You don't need many friends to proof anything.
You only need friends that can proof everything.

so, whats yours?

Okay, left about 1 more week to go back there.
I'll be coming back few days before Chinese New Year and that will be so nice. 


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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