Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

All I have to say the Date today is nice. Five 1 all together.

So, I dated Linda for passport session. We went there early, so we have to wait only 1hour after we got our receipt in within 10mins just after we took our number. We went Mamak for our breakfast in between that.
So, my passport is done. Date me out !

Lets have story here.
Last semester result was out last few days. You know what, I got a not bad result. Although its not considered very good. But I'm satisfied with it. And then, I just don't really like when people were comparing with yours, especially when they are complaining theirs were like not good at all but actually theirs were way higher than mine. 
Setting high target is good. But just don't keep complaining if what done is done. Accept the fact and do better in the coming one. I know practice makes perfect, but no one can really be perfect enough. :D

you decide. 

I'm going back UUM on the coming friday !
See ya my friends !


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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