Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I've had a couple of happy days. Let me list down to you what happened that made me happy.

  1. I presented with Lee Teng during EDDIE FM (fyi, is a session where we have to tell people about our global/national news). And seriously, it's my mistake i volunteered myself and yet i forgot, because I just get to know on that day I'm the one who is supposed to hold that session. It turns out, Successfully done.
  2. I shared my AIESEC Experience at the same day. I shared my experience to snoopy, may xian & yuen siok. It feels great when people is listening to your experience and it actually motivated them and most importantly they knew more about me. I told one of my small future plan to you guys.
  3. Outgoing Exchange department my department held an info session yesterday. It was successful. I was so happy for all of my teammates.
  4. I'm joining SFS competition. I'm happy because singing is one of my favorite moment of all time. 
My inner thoughts,
I'm afraid that I couldn't really deliver the result that what I want and what others want. Pressure sometimes turn into stress. I worry a lot, people don't see me like this easily. So is this a good or bad? For me, is good for them. Whenever I feel demotivated, I will think of my home, I want to go home and do nothing but just be with my family especially my little cute sister. I know they are putting a very high hope on me, so this is the motivation that keeps me until now, even my decisions.

that should be me, I will be.

- if the motivation can't motivate you, maybe that is not the right one -


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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