Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Searching For Star 2011: I attended audition yesterday night. I sang Take A Bow - Rihanna. I have to perform it in front of many people while there are only 2 judges. =) They're only choosing 10 people to go for Semi-Final. So, I didn't put much hope in it. Because I love to do so.

Outgoing Exchange: Held a department meet yesterday. It's like finally I could express my feeling during the department meet. Because we hardly could get a full attendance. I talked and commented a lot about them. I hope this could really get them back and they will have passion towards OGX in the coming time. I'm happy for some of them that really put hard work for our department.

Stuff : Things are on track now. I hope everything could come out or a lil slight different as planned. I want to send people out ! DESPERATELY !

Heartache : My money. I'm attending MC + MCVPs Election, AMAN, MyLDS. These cost me a large amount of money.

Mood : I'm still happy because I can share everything, even my thoughts to people around me.

- you have the power to influence the people around you. How you want them to be? -
I want them to be Happy 


1 Confessions:

Ops! Happy to know such things! All the best for your semi-final then! ^^
Yea, you can share here..=)

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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