Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I'm relieved. I thought I couldn't handle it. I thought I'm not as good as I thought. I thought I will be going back the same like the year before this.

But it turns out I managed to prove myself wrong. What I'm talking about is Searching For Star as I've mentioned earlier. I managed to get into Semi-Final and I sang - Raise Your Glass by Pink - and I went into Final with it and I performed - LoveSong by Adele - during Final.

I was a real great experience for me because I was afraid and nervous to enter this since my previous failure. I have to say THANK YOU to all of you who supporting me all the way long, and for all of you who went tonight although I'm not the top 3.
It's a really long list

Marcus (my roommate), Toccara (LoveSong introduced by him), Kimichii, Ling Xiang, Sally, Gabriel, Linda, Han Wei (a friend who I shared the good news first to her), Lee Teng,  Mimi, Linda, Zerox, Mitchie, Kar Yen, Joeyi, Edward, Santine, Elin, Sharon, Jessie, Monique, Jia Yee, Snoopy, Mei Chien, Jian Tan, Boon Ping and Mun Hoe.
Thanks !

- i'm afraid to fail again until i met Perseverance and it made my day better -

this is me on the stage. I'm small. LOL

I won the Best Performing Award. =) 
I'm Happy and Glad !


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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