Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

3.44am, I don't know why I couldn't sleep at this point of time, but definitely not because of 2012 is coming. Just insomnia. So I decided to write about my feeling towards the 2011 me.

I am a person that always love my family, no matter how it is, my family is the motivation of me making any decision since I'm young. I have a lovely dad, mom, elder brother and younger sister. 2011 had made me still realizing how important they are to me. They have shown their caring, passion, forgiveness, respect and LOVE to me and it really make me feels like : how I would be without any single one of you. If you ask me, they will always be my first priority at any point of time in my future. LOVE YOU !

I knew a lot, seriously a lot of friends in 2011. Through AIESEC mostly. And I've learnt terribly a lot from my friends around me because I can see various kind of personalities, is like pasar malam selling t-shirts. I cherish knowing more friends is because it could sometimes challenge me to solve problems, to listen, to motivate and to understand people more. Although it taught me hard lessons sometimes, but one thing I know is to see everything clearly because people have intention to do what they are doing.  You have to experience that lesson yourself to see the real side of that person. Of course I have good friends and vice versa, I have friends who I can share everything, but some just don't worth me sharing. I don't say that I'm good at analyzing people but I'm pretty sure that I'm good at observing. Why, because I wanted to people to treat me the same way I did to people, but I think I always get this wrongly. Anyhow, I just dislike people cheating on me. I found some. I couldn't blame them, they're just using you for their own good purpose. But despite of being dishonest, bad, dramatic to me, I'm really happy and thankful for learning so much from my friends around me. Don't listen to rumors !

It's been a roller coaster year for me being in AIESEC. I was elected as the Vice President of Outgoing Exchange Department on April where I have zero knowledge about that department. I have 3 lovely managers joined me after that where they were in that department for one year already. After we planned, we executed, we failed, we pressure, we go through ups and downs in this department till now. I could say that I'm proud of everyone of us along the journey I'm in this department. It really bring me up and the passion to continue my work in AIESEC. Ask me about anything in this department, I will be glad to answer you now.  And I have friends that supported me in AIESEC and  motivated me throughout the journey. names are secret AIESEC brings many joy and happiness for my university life here. I couldn't have imagine if I didn't come across this organization during my life here. Challenge more !

So this is the main 3 things I wanted to blog about before 2011 ends. I hope every bad thing will be staying here for the remaining time and the good one could be bring forward to 2012.

As for 2011 me, what else changes do you see on me?
As for 2012 you, do whatever you think it could bring you more !

- people can motivate you, but the most powerful one is yourself -

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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