Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

After the holiday, things went back to normal again.

But things changed, we got a new building for library, new feelings, new relationships and etc etc. One thing never change, Me !

Came back for around a week plus, been busy for the new semester courses and AIESEC stuffs. I got friends accompanying me in like almost every classes. It is good to have them around when you're sleepy. :)
Apart from that, I went through the Vote of Confident for Local Committee President applicant where I need to deliver speeches and questioned by the plenary hall. I passed the stage. Then, I attended an interview which will still remain as the scariest interview I've ever attended till now. I'm happy with myself no matter how the result would be, it will be an added experience to me in my AIESEC adventure. I gave my best shot, so I'll die with no regrets. Weeeeeeeeee

- No matter how worse it would go, this occasion will definitely bring something to you -
wait, let me show you my current team picture. =)

 too bad Phyllis, Pui Yin and Monique is not inside 


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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