Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Every Local Committee is having election now. I'm really happy and proud of those who actually took up the step and run for Vice President and President position. My manager - Monique and one of my JE - Yi You passed their Vote of Confident. I'm really excited for them despite how the result will be after interview. No matter how, I still feel very glad of myself running for President position even though I failed. =)

Whenever I feel tired, I'll smile when I saw my cute little sister. She will make me happy always despite the naughty issue as a kid.  And I'm flying to Japan in 2 more days, this is my first ever flight in my life. I feel very excited and anticipating for the upcoming happenings there. OMG ! I just can't believe that. thankiu papa and mama ! 

An advice for those who is still doubting and being uncertain. Don't be afraid of what is coming on your way, take it unless you have something to lose.  If you can beat your fear, there's nothing else more could drive you down.

- what doesn't kill you makes you stronger -


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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