Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Chen Chee Fook

You may not know him. 
March 3rd. Today may be an important date for Lee Hom, his concert is just few hours away. Today is the election date for LC UKM and LC TU to vote for their future leader. It may be a relaxing Saturday for you. Today is also a very important day for me, Danny Chen Chee Fook's birthday

He plays a very very important role in my life. He has done everything that could exceed my expectations. He is one of my greatest inspiration to what am I today. He has been supporting the family and me in every kind of way no matter how tough it would be. He concern about everything although he doesn't really look like that. He has been a great leader to me. He is getting old and I want to give him a great living at the rest of his life.

- He is my Father -

Happy Birthday Dad ! Forever great Dad !


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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