Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Life always starts with one word, 'Opportunity'. I don't get used to this word until I joined AIESEC, when everyone is telling me to grab the opportunity whenever you can, don't miss out the chances.

One year ago, I grab the opportunity and I ran for Local Committee Vice President position. I told myself, I just wanted to go through the process to see whether can I step out from my comfort zone. Finally, I got elected, but it is not the functional area I wanted. I got Outgoing Exchange instead of Talent Management or Incoming Exchange. By then, I got tonnes of doubts in my head. Questioning whether should I accept this role and move on to lead a team in achieving exchange goals and numbers for Local Committee Universiti Utara Malaysia.

What I did : I Made Myself Clear

Without a clue on my mind what is Outgoing Exchange Department is about and in the mean time I wanted to challenge myself in taking up the position, I accepted to be the Vice President of Outgoing Exchange, one of the Management Team member. Sooner, I got my 3 team managers and we started planning for the whole coming term. I started to learn as much as I could about stuffs in Outgoing Exchange Department.

What I did : I Learnt

Of course, I admit that I didn't start my term very well. I had no clue on my department and yet I have to lead my team of 3 more which they were in Outgoing Exchange team before this. Plans are not well planned enough, knowledge are not good enough to handle tough circumstances, couldn't make decision due to much restriction. This is how we start our term. We did off campus recruitment, we're happy as this is the first off campus recruitment we did in few years, but yet the numbers is still not good. We did in campus recruitment during on September 2011 to recruit Exchange Participant, but still not much turned up. My department considered under performing. It was devastating, but as a Vice President, I know I couldn't show my team how worried and how clueless I feel about hyping up the numbers and results after the work we've done. When it comes to reality, people will only look at your result. Only that.

What I did : Reflection and Self Motivation

I got my 9 Junior Executives after that. I wanted to ensure their learning in my department and have them to discover more about their own capabilities. My managers and I started to give education and transit as much knowledge as we could to have them to achieve the result and goal, even we had simulations. But things still doesn't work out, we had another recruitment drive, but it doesn't seems to show good result as well. And still there are not much signed up to go for Exchange. We were still considered under performing in December, although I manage to get 2 person to Realize in the next February which is the lowest peak in our timeline, but it doesn't feel good moving towards the goal alone.

What I did : I Asked Myself What The Team Need

Quarter 3 started, my whole team planned for another Recruitment Drive, Information Session and Review Board for March. I delegated tasks for everyone in my team to enable them to apply what they'd learn in the educations we has been trying to deliver. I've been making sure they are well prepared with their own tasks and work before I depart to Japan for Asia Pacific Exchange Leadership Development Seminar. I see their hard work, how much they wanted to achieve the goals as a team.

What I did : I Monitor and Motivate

Now, April 5th, we've managed to Raised 43 Forms from the term start, Realized 16 Experiences. All of us are happy and glad being in the team. We gave, failed, believed, hold on, and performed. We have less than 2 months before our term ends. I promised myself and the team to do whatever best I can. I'm proud and I believe we can do more than how much we've achieved now in the remaining less than 2 months.

What We did : We Performed

As for me, I decided - I failed - I Overcomes - I Succeed. The only reason I hold on to now is to watch the development and achievements my team and I could do and achieve. We did it and now we are on our way to the final achievement. As a management team member, this is what I faced. The reason I mention management team instead of executive board is because I'm going through it with my managers. Maybe it will seem normal for any position you get even you got the experience, but trust me, every role has it's toughness and difficulties. If you are applying for management team or going for a position, please be prepared enough to face the challenges and obstacles you will not know sometimes what to do when it comes to you. You will not know how demotivation will hunt you down. I expect you to put effort in what you're doing or you will be doing. If you don't expect to commit or to face all these, do not apply for anything until you're ready, because you will end up quitting your job.

What you should do : Ask Yourself

Have you asked yourself? If the answer is 'yes, I will go for it'. I will put all my trust and believe on you to do your best. Constant reflect on yourself to know what you want and need. It's two different thing.

It's okay to be afraid,
It's okay to be failed,
But what is not okay is to give up.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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