Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Guys, I'm so busy recently. Owh My Gawd.
I got no time to blog about my experience in Japan. I will talk about it in one of the coming posts *finger crossed.
Finals coming, and you know this is the time when you have to submit everything especially your assignments and having presentations with quizzes coming along the way. This is insane.

One. Let's talk something about what I did recently apart from being insane doing the workload above.
I get the chance to participate in drama performance with a bunch of great friends for Eon Spring Festival - The Unforgettable Night. And you know what, the amazing thing is when you can laugh everything out and really relax by enjoying what you're doing. Sometimes you may see yourself inside the characters. We were really glad when people say : you guys did a great job. The performance was really nice. This is a quality drama performance.

Two. I attended the Annual General Meeting 2012 and presented everything about my department, the achievements and non-achievements. It was so great and memorable by seeing what have my teammates and I'd done for Outgoing Exchange Department 2011/2012. Although challenges and obstacles came along the way, but we managed to beat it down and moved on. Eventhough we did not achieve everything, but to me, moving together with all of my teammates till now is already an extra achievement for me. At least I've see all of your development, how much effort you paid for the department and how much you wish not to end the term. As a Vice President, these are what I'm really proud of all of you. I love my teammates. I wish all the best for your future undertakings.
*Signing off as Vice President of Outgoing Exchange Department for term 2011/2011 *cry
*I'm listening to Don't Stop Believing when I'm writing this. Such a good feeling

to be continued...

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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