Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I've been going through photo of mine in Facebook. And I just love myself.
These are a few pictures of what I did in the past half year in 2012. Unforgettable events and people.

first ever thailand trip to Hatyai, failed UUMers
I'm like selling the Bitagen

AIESEC in UUM Award Night, back to the 60's
I 'm like a boss

An amazing + eye opening country, Japan !
I'm like "Konichiwa"

buaya OGX teammates 11/12 <3
I'm like a captain

Spring Festival drama, i'm the one at right side with specs
I'm like a nerd

Jia Yee's birthday celebration
I'm like "my hair is longer"

this is just cool right

current teammates 12/13 :)
I'm like "Peace"

people that will only give me support under any circumstances,
my lovely family. all of the above wouldn't happen without you all.
I'm like a good boy


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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