Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

We did this in school during free period, and the boy is XXX[He asked me to keep as Secret]. Haha..
Quite funny with these behind him.
  • A funny convestion between my teacher and me: [1 of my fren was absent today]
She : Why is she absent today?
Me : I dont kno..
She : U didt call her mie?
Me : No, i dont have her phone no. but i have her "MsN"
She : Har??
Me : I have her Msn.. "MsN"
She : :Blur: What is "Msn? (everyone r laughing)
Me : MsN is something we use to chat on internet..
She : Owh.. So, both of u use to chat there lar?
  • Im wondering whether she really dont kno what MsN is.. Haha. Funny. at least she get it at the end..What MsN actually is.. =)
Went GreenBox yesterday. Its nice.. We ordered some snacks[Fun fries, chicken wingz]
Ps: the fries ther is not nice.. they put some sort of pepper on the fries.. >.<
And, no pictures were taken because..
  • Its dark inside.. [And of cuz ther's no flash for my phone camera]
  • Yean Xin dont allow camera phone [Cuz we wanted to take a pic of her].. Sob

I HATE IT! My phone cant send out any messages!

I've called DiGi and the operator says it will be fixed after 1/2 and hour..

But its still the SAME! Arghhhhhhhhhh

*Dont misunderstand IF i didt reply any of ur messages..

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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