Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I ate this, promoted by Vanessa [Treat's Cafe]

Name: Scones
Its a bread thingy with jam, butter and cream you can put on it.

This is the first time im eating this,
I dont even know where to start eating at the beginning.. Haha
But I manage to finish it and the creams are a lot and it will make you feel something.
something lah..

There's 1 more person today, HGuan. He joined us cause some sort of things happened.
And he's fetching all of us.. So good

The scones is Nice..

YXin Vanessa Adelyn M3 [HGuan the camera guy]

I cant imagine I studied.. 1hour+
Thanks to that person who have asked me to do that.
x Signing off x

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