Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Finally, i went greenbox today with my frens.. So nice
There are so many peoples today.. rooms are full for afternoon sessions.
holiday mah, and its cheap if you have student card.

After that, we went for this movie :

Race To The Witch Mountain
"You are what you think You are"

Dont judge a book by its cover,
I thought this movie will like not nice,
No im wrong, its exciting and nice. you have to watch it to kno
Overall, this movie is showing stuffs about aliens and how they get back to thier planet from earth.

Rate : 8/10


Signing off
*Edits 7.40
Once again, im not going for PA tuition class..
See how bad am I..
I cant resist the holiday mood..
Im going for scones tomorrow at Kota Kemuning with
Yx, Vanessa, Adelyn.. [18/3/09]

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