Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Registration of lower form6 today in my school. It is nice I can meet frens that I didn't see for few months. But yet boring cause you have to sit inside the class doing nothing, the reason is 8 out of 10 periods in the timetable got no teacher. All of them were busy on stuffs, they didn't enter the class. So, wandering around the school chit-chatting anywhere I can. Weather nowadays are shhhhhhhoooooo freaking horribly terribly hot. I guess You can imagine the weather also, 'I sweat inside the class even though few fans exists inside.'
My class considered okay. For some classes, their class was facing Directly to the sun and when the horrible bright sun rises, their expression will like vampire-being-exposed-to-the-sun. Doors and windows are closed to prevent the rays to attack them.

This is the worse, there is a problem with my room's air-cond. Maybe the air-cond paip blocked already or what, water keep leaking down from the air-cond. I have to close it when water is leaking. The people who promised to fix the air-cond ffk-ed today. SWEAT. I really can't take the 'hotness' when there is a place for me to rest nicely and peacefully especially inside my room. How am I gonna sleep like that?

Mid term is around the corner.
Everyone is working hard on it, so I have to start running too.//

x Signing off [Monday, 11 May 2009]
Jia you everyone

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