Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody


Due to wesak day, I went and help out for temple activities with JHuei & KSiang. Its the same again, I have to put on costumes to walk on the streets with a lot of people and this time is a far/ long journey walk. The place is at Jenjarom, Zong Zhen know ker? Im protraying a character that have to put on 'Misai/janggut', and that looks so damn funny. When Im walking, some children were laughing cause even I myself are laughing there. I was thinking: 'Maybe you see many other's before but not mine, mine is a bit special one.' XD. I guess the whole kampung people came out and support this activity, as you know Jenjarom there is full of chinese peoples. Few roads were blocked when we're crossing the streets, not good huh cause we caused traffic jam, but we can only do this once a year so nevermind lar. XD. It is Nice but legs are still unwell.

Right after we're done with costumes all that
and also the .Janggut part.


Another temple activity, 'Food Fair'. So, I went and help out too. With JHuei, KSiang, BChung. After the arrangement, Im helping on the 'Guest Job'. Guess what, my job is to stand at the door there and greet whoever comes in with saying : 'Amithaba'. Im repeating this throughout the fair, I guess about few thousands times. There are plenty of peoples, and a lot of foods are being sold. food-fair ma. This fair end at 2something. For those who attended for help, they'll get a free coupon for 1set of food and drink. We can choose what we wanted to eat but just 1meal free. Others? = buy yourself. Haha. Of course lar I did't go there just for the coupon.

Coupons and pouring water on Buddha's body
as a sign of bathing for Him.

Don't get annoyed of the temple thingy,
I know Im talking so much about that. XD

Lastly, Happy Mother's Day
to every Beloved Mummy!

x Signing off x [Sunday, 10 May 2009]
Sc:"Hapi Mother's day, Mummy"

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