Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Its a tiring day again.
Although my mama is alright now, but she have to go for blood test for further checking. So, I wake up so early morning to fetch her and company her at the hospital. There were so many processes, blood test-wait for doctor-test results-pharmacy. This takes us 2hour + to finish that.
Lucky there is a TV, if not I'll be bored. She got a same appointment again next friday.

I spent my most day on a wesak day's activity. This activity is about protraying buddha's story with costumes and we have to walk around the whole place with our costumes for about 2.5hour.
Shoooo longggggg. But when we're walking on streets, people are just looking at all of us no matter they're in the car or in the house. Its quite a good experience for a 1st timer, haha. And now my legs are so 'not-pain'.

HKith, M3, JHuei, KSiang, CNie, YJin, YTing

QHui, CNie, YJin, YTing

KSiang, JHuei, M3

Summary of thing happened today, I should get myself on the bed now//
*HKith, don worry you wont get breast cancer! Haha

x Signing off x [Saturday, 2 May 2009]

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