Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Today is thursday... I know you know that.

Im mentioning this because Im off today, OFFDAY. You know the feeling of having offday after you've worked for so hard? Okay, you know. And of course I won't simply waste it with sleeping whole day inside the room or go online whole afternoon or sitting on the sofa watching TV whole day or bla bla.

So, I went Greenbox with Daughter, GrandDaughter and Ade. And Ade's sisters are in the room just beside ours. Imagine 10 morning, we went there 10 morning. So early huh? Somemore, economy tuition for today was canceled! I was very happy when I heard this from daughter, that means I can enjoy my offday today because I purposely choose my offday on thursday just because of this tuition class.

.Safety precautions due to Swine Flu I guess.
.But its funny.

There goes 3hours, and after that we 'bring' granddaughter to the entrance where Ian is waiting her for dating at sunway. Lol. The rest of us are planning to have a drink at MCD but its full even at b.tinggi place because of the 12-3pm promotion. End up at old town shop with HGuan joined. MCD seems better because of the free-flow-drink service. We can chit-chat and refill, chit-chat and refill for thousands time also its ok, so bad huh? XD

Night plan, Going Club9!! Weee.. Its for playing pool and drinks. Recommended by granddaughter last week. The environment there was so nice compared to others that I've went before.

x Signing off x [Thursday, 4 June 2009]

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