Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Went for this last saturday with YXinD, HGuan and PHooi from 4+. Recommended by Van. And then we met up with VanGD, Ade, YFern, MYee, YTing and others.........

First timer, and firstly I thought this will be a 'Pameran' or those show or what. But turn out not, Ade told me that there are stalls you can buy foods and a stage in the middle of the field there. Haha. This event is held at a stadium in Shah Alam

HGuan is driving and we have a map to lead us there, it is not far. But the parking lot are all occupied, so we parked at a quite-far place and we have to walk a long distance to reach. Its like we're melting under the hot sun. As time goes by, the stadium is getting crowded. So many people there and there are also japanese dance session, everyone are dancing around the stage. You'll also see peoples are busy taking pictures there and of course including us. So, let the pictures do the talking.

DoorGift : Bon Odori

Group Photo with Families and Friends

Photos.. With Van YXin Ade & Ade's Sis

Photo with 2 Cute Kids. Aren't they cute? =D

It is fun going there. But when going back [Night time] 4 of us walk through a Islamic Graveyard to HGuan's car and there are Ghost no light. So dark and gross.. @@

x Signing off x [21 July 2009]

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