Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

URGH. I'm sick. I hate sore throat, I can predict the sickness is coming towards me whenever I'm having a sore throat. And now I'm annoying myself with the sneezing sound although sneeze makes me feel better. I wish I there is a kind of medicine that I can take and then I'll recover from any illness within a day. It is good if this is true but I'm just too much in dreaming.

Nowadays, some of my school Malay students are undergoing breathing difficulties and sudden faint. Even teachers got that. We're so curious that why ambulance came so often to our school and there is also screaming sounds from counseling room yesterday. For our information, there are some spiritual friends inside our school and EVEN MY CLASS?! Yesterday, about 8 Malays were taken to counseling room because of something. You know, cause of the rasuk-rasuk thingy. So horrible.
1 more case is mom of 1 friend of mine[Vanessa's Mom] she got those 6Th sense. She came into our school to take report card for her daughter. PS: Vanessa is different class with me, hers is upstairs. Her mom have to pass by my class to go to her class. When she's passing by, she said something like my class is funny. That means Vanessa's mom sense something from my class too? Oh God. I have to be inside the school for few months more. That's terrible and vegetable. Ain't you feel the same way?

Forget about the thing. My salary is our tomorrow if I'm not wrong. So happy because I waited 1 month to get this. ^^ I wish I can do everything I want with it but its limited. Haha.

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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