Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

.. freakingly happy. I FIXED the Internet Line today!

Let me start this from the very beginning.. "I wanted to go online yesterday but I found out that the streamyx login name has changed to something like ';lhjf;slgj;l' that. I try to change back but failed again and again. So, My sis ruined the whole internet connection". thats all.

I thought this line will not be fixed until a streamyx guy or technician come to my house. Mana tau is just the password got wrong. Swt.

I went for this show yesterday with YXinD, VanGD, PZhen, HGuan, WKiat, SDuan, EBeng, KYen, MRui. Is about a psycho women and a wife fighting for a men/husband. Im late again to this show. Sob

About today, I woke up as if so early at 11am to a gathering at McD with my former classmates. Omg, thats really so good, some of them all indians and chinese I did'nt even met for half a year already. Not many pictures were taken because the place was quite small and uncomfortable for me to move.

Today, Granddaughter Van bought something for her boyfriend as birthday present. It is Ex. Van's pocket got a big hole d. Hope her bf like it. XD

Happy Birthdaysss : Kar Yen @ 7-11

Its 12+am now, Its monday tomorrow, Its school day tomorrow, Its time to sleep right now//

x Signing off x [12 July 2009]

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