Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Lets have a look at the pictures instead of stories. These are the picture I've took on the second and the third day. No first day pics, there is a minor problem with the camera on the first day, so unfortunate. Haha. By the way, this trip is fun. I wish I can go again in the coming December holidaysss. Anyone?!

Inside the hotel room, 5 person sharing a room. Cool

The beach behind the Hotel. Nice

Yi Ting with the Sands

Seriously, we thought of taking normal 1, but our face changed when the seawaves hit us. This expression is so random.

I love This Picture!

I line up for about 20mins to get this Oyster at Gurney.

Eating. There are plenty of stalls there, eat all you can

Wei Kiat - Hong Guan - Me - Yi Ting

Me - Peng Hooi - Hong Guan - Wei Kiat

Having Breakfast


Kek Lok Si

Going somewhere and he is tired on the right

Our Group Photo. The only 1

Buddha's Statue

Random, but I managed to get their face in. XP

The Could is nicely formed

A view from the top. Beautiful

Nice view~

They're building a somekind tower for this huge GuanYin. Amazing

These is roof pieces with names who donated on top. They're using these for the coming new building.

Taking pictures with Horse. All of us are 'Horse' here. Hmm, I look so awkward.

HG and PF bought this due to the HOTTTT weather. Its really hot there if its not raining.

Penang Bridge. Im gonna miss that

Going back time. Take 1

And Finally. XP

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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