Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I went for this movie on Friday.
Along with Daughter, Hong Guan, Wei Kiat, Mei Yee and My Bro.
Before that, I've been looking forward for this movie dono-for-how-long.
I keep posting words on facebook about going to Final Destination 4,
and because of this movie, we made our first ticket purchase online through TGV website.

As I mentioned, we were the first time watching 3D movie except for Mei Yee.
We're late to this movie for about 10mins, being "Late" was one of tradition.
So, its not already a big deal for us to miss out a lil part in front.
About the movie, Im a bit disappointed, previous one is better for me. One Question, I thought this is 100mins as stated in the website? But why Ended up we watched for only 75mins? Where is the remaining 25mins? I got no idea at all. Maybe we can complain to the management for cheating us. Haha

We are considered OK with the late and kinda disappointed, The worse thing is Wei Kiat was late for an hour, basically he watched for about 10mins only. Pity him right? He just sat there 10mins for 18bucks.. EXPENSIVE. But the best part for this movie is it is still Disgusting. There are still some shocking part and bloody scene, blood splitting here and there and how will one dies.

Rate : 7/10


Just today,
2 of my cousins, my bro and I went for a drink. I hadn't really sit down and talk to them for quite a long time already. The last met with my cousins is about half a year ago. So long. We even discussed to go Taiwan after few years, it is still a long time to gooooooooo. Planning for our budgets and all that. Haha, so funny. Wish to hang out with them more next time. XD

A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget...

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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