Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Holiday. Happy Deepavali to who are celebrating. Instead, we are having our own holidays too after the trials. Haha. But sometimes holidays are boring too. Why? Probably I got nothing to do at home other than sitting infront of my computer checking mails or blogging or facebook-ing or watch some dramas. Sometimes you might get bored of facing too much computer. Well, I get bored sometimes. Everybody are busy with thier work and studies, so we can gather only at every weekend. How good if all of them are having the same holidays as we do. Oh, that is impossible
Anyway, I think I might be very full later because im going for Cloudy show. I guess i'll be starving for the food inside, FOC.

once again, Happy Deepavali. yen-na-dah? XP


edits* 2.09am

Rate : 8 / 10

Everything about foods,
Pizzas, Hot dogs, Candy, Ice Creams, Fortune Cookies, Corns, any food you can imagine are falling down from the sky. Just order. One of the disaster is Spaghetti Twister. Imagine that, Haha @@

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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