Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Im back from Port Dickson. Huhu. I went there with my family this time. 4 of us excluded my brother because he got class. We went there for 3days. time pass by so fast, Im back home again. I don't know why, there is some problems with my computer, I cant copy the pictures from camera. Arghhh. Nevermind, I'll get it done soon. The first thing is to turn on my computer, I have to update myself about what happened when Im not around for 3days, mails are so much, and facebook notifications are hell lots.

On the last saturday, I went for my primary class gathering. Hahaha. Although not all of them came, but it is nice to see them. Some just came back for holidays from overseas, some from other else, some are studying, some are working. I havent got all the pictures yet from them. >.< And, thanks to Shi Wan for organizing this gathering. Very much thanks. I know she used a lot of time on planning this. Heehee.

Christmas coming, any plans?

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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