Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I almost forgotten to blog about this one until I see the pictures. Hahaha. I went Prom last saturday with YXin-PZhen-Gold. It is organised by my former school schoolmates. Seriously, it is not really okay because of the seat, we were late for it and the seats for us are not well arranged. So, we have to sit behind.. This is not a problem, the problem is we can't really see what is happening infront there. The performance were all infront. Not bad lar overall, eventough things are getting crazier in the end.
Camwhore there too.

At Daughter's House.

Pei Zhen / Me

Gold / Me

Pao Li / Me

Group Photos beside the Pool

Some of their Christmas Deco. We've blocked the house behind us

Bang.Bang.Bang. The new edition of 007.
Photo Of the Day. Haha

PromNextYearButNotKECPlease. HeeHee

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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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