Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

This is very nice, awesome, fabulous, marvelous, fantastic. This is meaningful and touching. Watch to know about it. Trust me.

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I found a job. Okay, not considered as found, i get myself a job. Where else other than Padini? Haha. Yes, I'll be working there from January. So, I left about a week plus to enjoy and play as much as I can. And, my dad bought himself a motorbike. Instead of driving car to work, he is going with motorbike so that I can drive his car to work. So Nice.. Touch T_T... So, I'll be very very hardworking. Kononnya. I want to save money, I want to go vacation with my very own money, I want to buy everything I want with the moneyssssss I earned!!

Actually Pei Zhen and I planned to go education fair at midvalley today, but something come up so I ffk-ed her. Hahaha. Not considered as ffk la, I got tell her I cannot go already before that. One of my friend Kim asked Ching Nie and I for help at HICT college due to the 'Forget Not Christmas" event. That event was successful (Congratulationss), although I went back halfway due to transportation problem. >.<


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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