Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

about this...

As you know, I went and dye my hair on Monday. Yesterday is my off day so my colleague don't get the chance to see my hair yesterday. Ok, fine.

I go work today and they start asking me, you know with those unbelievable eyesight : "Did you dye your hair? How come I see nothing there, Looks like black only." Haih~~~ Then I have to explain to them ONE BY ONE : "No, I did dye my hair, but the color haven't come out yet, you have to wait few dayssss to see changes on my hair". Fuh, you know I repeated this N TIMES and they are like : "Oh really?!.. I SEE.. *Smiling there*." Zzzzz. The worse thing is I told quite a lot of people I gonna dye my hair because I'm excited..

So, if I gonna dye my hair next time, I won't be telling until they come and ask me : "Hey, DID YOU DYE YOUR HAIR?" and I'll answer : "YES!!!"

What I gonna do now is to wait till the black + navy color fade away to don't-know-what-color. XD So that they will realize I dye my hair actually. Hehe..


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