Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I got no time to blog..
Insufficient time. :(
Many things to blog about.. Heehee


Firstly, I must say Thank You to everyone who wished me no matter with facebook or text me.
Happy Birthday to Peggy on 18th, My Brother and Myself on 21th April 2010.
I'm officially 20 years old now. Hahaha!! This will be the first number '2' standing in front of my age.
I celebrated with friends on the 20th at Greenbox during night time right after my work.
Actually it is 4 person celebrations. Peggy (18th April), My Brother - I - Alice (21th April). We had so much fun there.

The Lovely Couple Sky & Peggy

Eva & Peggy

Wei Wei & Me

Sky with the Twins

Peggy with the Twins. My Bro's face is reddy 

He's trying so hard to express his feeling with singing. Look Talented

Jeffrey in the house

The Beauty s from Adonis

Happy Birthday! Cutting of the Cakes. Alice is with the white top.

Make a Wish. *******

The Beginning of the 20's

All of Us in the house.


 Life is a beautiful dance, so turn up the music, let loose and have fun!!!
 Who cares if anyone is watching, happiness is contagious!!


I received a text from a friend yesterday night saying that "My dad got symptom of getting stroke".
then I was like "huh?". I text to say that wait until the report come out and advise don't think so much until the report is out. I know my friend will surely think negatively and think aside that what might be happened if stroke really comes.
The risk of getting stroke are high if you have heart attack or high cholesterol.

I waited and waited, the report came out today and stated that there is only high cholesterol. My friend was feeling like "flying to heaven, put down a lot". But have to take care properly also because the risk is still there.
Seriously, I can understand this feeling from my friend because this happened on myself too but different case lar.
I believe that what goes around comes around, God will always protect the good and sincere one.

i know its a bit out of topic but
鐵馬尋橋 is nice.

if you wanted to watch any cantonese drama. Watch this first//


Days gone through.. Days went by, Days passed by..
This is the time to look through what its like inside.

''I've made a movement to tell a negative attitude about herself today. I've make myself so brave to tell this. Then at the end I've being paid by anger. well, its a good friend of mine.
I told what I'm feeling throughout these days. It's true, peoples are mend to be born to listen to compliments included myself I guess.
It's like they'll refuse to listen or just talk to you about that case. For me, I'll tell if I care you as my friend. Or else, no business. I know whats gonna happen and it really happened.
Fine then, who cares.
At least I've done my part. Its up to you to decide.''

So, this is my confessions.. Actually its just a small tiny thing happened around us.. just wipe it away.. Zipped*


Back from Penang few days already. Penang is fun...
Still waiting for the photos until I can crap about what happened in Penang. 

Well, I'm not allowed to take leave in May because of manpower problem. Sob.
I planned to go Redang one but I think... No more hope.  : (


Sorry for not blogging for these days.
I've been living with the creepy + horrible + disgusting so called "snake" thing for about 2weeks. Thank god it is recovering now. Compared with the week before this, I'm suffering from the pain given, Imagine how pain until I can't really sleep at night. Now, I'm getting okay. But I still have to control my appetite, NO itchy food such as chicken, eggs, seafoods, fish?!.. I'm eating wheat breads during my breaktime for throughout the whole week. Pity me.

Anyway, I'm going Penang again this week. Woohoo.. damn looking forward!!!!!!! We had made reservations for the hotel with seaside! Although I can't really eat everything there, BUT I'M STILL EXCITED. I applied off days a month before for this trip. Few more days and I'll be online there. I'm so gonna walk, talk, crazy, eat wherever and whenever I want. Weeeeeeeeeee...

I went for this show with friends yesterday,

7 / 10
I like the characters made inside

Another important thing today, 
I dye-ed and cut my hair. Satisfy with the new hairstyle. <3 
It's in dark brown color



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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