Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Tonight is the first meeting for the CD team. Looking forward. 

Guys, just to tell you. I really had a lot of fun in this organization, AIESEC

Okay, this is what have I been through these days. let the pictures tell..

I went for moonfest night organized by 
"Sime Darby Residential Hall" students.

This is Yayasan Al-Bukhary's Moonfest Night

Bond Bond Session with AIESECers MTs & JEs

Cleaning after Backdrop Session for MPP Moonfest. Programmers

The Night after Our Event !

the Programmers. I'll miss this.

ShahBandaraya-ers ! :D

And lastly, I missed out my sister's kindergarden performance! So sad. 
I miss Klang and I'm going back on study week. Yeepie.


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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