Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Well, it's the end of day three now. I'm so so happy and I want to share some of my experience here. 

Will be updating very soon.

The good news is all of us happens to have a chance to take lunch and also pictures with Prime Minister tomorrow. Believe it ! Darn looking forward ! 

         thinking of giving up? find a reason to Motivate yourself and trust me, 
you will go through it. 


This is the first day here as Volunteer. Gone through briefings.
And I know people more, and more people.
Just gone through a sharing session. Feel that it's fabulous that actually you didn't see any barriers or hidings among us. So this is the purpose of sharing right? Ya, you got it just right.

there is always a word : TRUST : that people couldn't resist from you

gonna buzz off now. the Launching of Youth Nation Summit is coming in few hours time.


: World : 

I'm Home !

So, tomorrow will be the last day for my semester 2. Well, I bet every single word in the picture do happened on me.

Semester 2 - It's been a very short and hard semester. why Short? I've been very busy with academic and activities. But I enjoyed it, thats why it feels short. and why Hard? I had gone through several tough things this semester but I'll tell you the worse one - Misunderstand. Yes, people tend to magnify a small tiny little thing which I don't understand how the hell you do that. The worse thing about this is that you don't have to influence people with your thoughts and ask them to stand by your side. Will you?

and here goes my True Friend quote.
A True Friend will appreciate you whatever it is. But if you don't get that, they are like Mosquito. mosquito sucks 
I can scream in front of you and say 'I know people around me better now' if you don't trust me. At least if some say I don't, deep down in the heart they know what they did. You want something? Pay first.

Anyway, if you feel your temper is coming, get a cold shower like I did. It do reduce temper.
To clarify, I still have my true and best friends around me, I APPRECIATES THEM.

I can't believe that I'm actually running away from here (my uni) within 24 hours. I guess I'll be at home already if you happen to see the upcoming post.
pss. current obsession : Mean - Taylor swift


am still thinking

it's a yes or no

Dear Business Law :
Way Off to you
But before that I'm gonna kill you down first. you sucks



1. Realized
It's like finally, I realized. no matter how good or how bad are you. you have to always watch how people feel and react to it. people always say : Just ask if you don't know. But the FACT is people will feel that you're dumb or stupid just because that you don't know. Of course I don't deny that there are people who'll be helpful.
So, equip yourself with very knowledge as you possible and then ask yourself is the best solution to everything.

YOU your own is always the best medicine for yourself

2. Reality
Why? You just have to accept the reality anyway. Don't judge if you don't know me. And don't make assumption that easily. and thanks for the worse part that is grouping with people to agree to your statements / assumptions. I don't show agreeing when I don't make any response, you're just gonna realize everything by your own. People said and told many times, but whats the point of repeating it without any result shown. You are seriously gonna accept the reality and the FACT that people does that even tough you dislike it.

Don't change things that you couldn't change, change YOURSELF instead

3. Really
I'm darn happy that I'll be ending my semester and have my really long semester break after 3.5 days here in Northern University of Malaysia. So gonna execute my holiday plans. there might be changes along the break.

i. Working at Padini Authentics (again) during the long holidays.
ii. Attending NATCON (national conference) at UPM on the mid of June.
iii. Going to Penang for AIESEC work on early July.
iv. Going to Redang on early September.

Stay tune for more.


Ya, what else I can say with the title of this post?
It's Over. 1 more down and 2 more to go. The horrible-est one is next. Business Law.

kill me please 


Still with the three-more-paper situation.

Hanging around with friends at MCD in Alor Setar for Mid Lover promotion. Delighted.

Don't be surprised but we will be very happy going MCD because we're like craving for fast food especially MCD. Imagine we have to take about 1 hour plus trip here. Funny right. 

I'm so gonna turn to two-more-paper situation after 5pm tomorrow.

Stay tuned !

Wan Tan Mee @ Alor Star.
: Delicious :


Yes, I'm back. Done with 4 final paper. So will be finishing 3 more by 25th May, bare with me.
It's kinda stressful wanting to memorize those facts and points. But the good thing is you can hang around and have freedom along the exam period. I don't have to attend classes, don't have to go into campus all the time. and the best thing is I can sleep late and wake up late. Weeeeee.

I will be exam-free after 25th. I miss my family although I just went home weeks ago since I came back here especially my cute little sister.

My Lovely Family ! Love them. It's our birthday but I'm not there.

Lovely Sister ! How cute is her.

My friend birthday is coming so soon. I had no idea on anything yet since I'm stuck in a no-gift-available place. I want to make something special. Ya, you know sometimes friends don't need something so big, he/she just need something that shows your heart and care although you didn't meet up or contact for a period of time. A true one can really understand you no matter how it is. Won't grumble, won't complain but just listen.
" A Best Friend is the one who won't feel bored even though you didn't speak "-Shen Chieh
 So, I'm appreciating my friends who treats me well,
well if you don't, I appreciated as well because I'd known who you are. thats me.

Youth Nation Summit 2011 is around the corner, 

So are you going?
I'm going as volunteer ! Weeeeeeeee
It is at University Malaya from 28th - 31st May 2011.

Meet our Prime Minister !
Prime Minister, Dato' Sri Haji Mohd Najib, will grace the celebration
and launch the Micro Funding on the fourth day!

feeling EXCITED !


Yes, it's been sooooooooooo long since I wrote a new post.
It had been a quite long period, 1 month plus if I'm not wrong. Well, I wanted to talk about things that happened in the middle supposedly. But as you can see, I'm gonna have my final very soon.

I shall update / come back after my exam. It ends on 25th May.
God Bless everyone who will be going through the same situation as me.
Yes, be patient.



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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