Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

my cute little sister

Jenny Chen, 8 years old, standard 2, Lee Hom Fans, love singing.

I prefer face to face conversation with her instead of facebook conversation. She tend to talk something I don't really understand, but I feel appreciate and happy when I saw a chatbox from her pop out out of a sudden. She is an ordinary kid, she is stubborn sometimes, she cries a lot, she get angry when she don't get the thing she demanded. Still I love her lots because she's extraordinary to me and to my family, with her presence,  I gave more love, I added one more space in my room, I'm living a happier family, I have one more companion for my parents, I have one more person to support what I'm into, I have her to wait for me to go home no matter how far or how long I'm out of town.
- a sister is a forever friend -


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Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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