Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Sunday, but its not a sunny day. Keep raining nowadays.

Linda, Jaces, Florence the just florida, Kelvin and Lee Jing went for AIESEC Alumni Hat Party yesterday. I'm unable to join them due to budget because I'm going back on the coming saturday. Feel a bit wasted. Can't wait to see their photos at the party. I bet it was Awesome.

I got no classes today. So nice right. I never had this time since I'm here. Today is the day I can consider myself relaxing inside my room watching drama and facebooking the whole day. Rainy day make me sleep well too.

Btw, I'm going back a I mentioned up there. Teehee. It's like finally, I've been waiting this for long time already. but I have to dump my gang here. sorry guys. I can't make it for the final AIESEC gathering which is supposed to be planned by Me. Feeling irresponsible.  =(

Klang, I'm coming back !

Had an Alor Setar outing with Wei Cong, Monique, Carol and Kok Weng yesterday. We went for KTV at Pacific Mall. firstly I thought that the EBox aka KTV will be outdated but instead it went opposite. At least I get to sing here.

After that, we went for movie aka The Child's Eyes, it was not very very horrible as I thought, just horrible. My horrible perception maybe differ from yours. For me, it is considered horrible as long as it is a ghost or haunting show. I was like closing my eyes throughout the show and I was just paying attention to the subtitle only when the horrible part is coming. Sad-nye.

We went for camwhore at the Fun Fair nearby. Sounds childish. But fun. We even went for dinner at Kampung Thai if I'm not wrong and we did crazy expressions recording there while the customers beside us were laughing at us. Whatever. Hahaha. It's great to have these colleagues that I know in MPP although it was a bit disappointed. As what people say, enjoy the process, I'll miss the time when I'm doing backdrop with you guys.

Wei Cong - Kok Weng - Sc
Monique - Carol


Tonight is the first meeting for the CD team. Looking forward. 

Guys, just to tell you. I really had a lot of fun in this organization, AIESEC

Okay, this is what have I been through these days. let the pictures tell..

I went for moonfest night organized by 
"Sime Darby Residential Hall" students.

This is Yayasan Al-Bukhary's Moonfest Night

Bond Bond Session with AIESECers MTs & JEs

Cleaning after Backdrop Session for MPP Moonfest. Programmers

The Night after Our Event !

the Programmers. I'll miss this.

ShahBandaraya-ers ! :D

And lastly, I missed out my sister's kindergarden performance! So sad. 
I miss Klang and I'm going back on study week. Yeepie.


 the reason I'm not blogging during my holidays is 'I have to enjoy every moment and every minute with my friends and family'. Seriously, I got a nice and wonderful holiday although it's so short for me. It is just too short. Not enough at all. . I bet every UUMers agree with me.

I went back right after the LLDS and C side thingy on 6th sept. I have to take about 8hours bus to get myself to step onto Klang's territory. I miss them, my family and friends over there so much. I was so extremely happy when I'm back there.What I did there? Of course hanging out with friends, go yam-cha with them, go GreenBox to sing out loud as I can as i'm shy to sing inside the toilet booth here when im bathing, go CC go for movies go for outings and many more lah.

I manage to get myself in Midvalley with my friends in UUM that is Klang people also as a small gathering. that is Linda, Gabriel, Han Wei and Keith. I cannot upload photos here a the wi fi here is very slow. I'm glad to get online inside my room although the line is not good enough.

Okay, back to now, I'd finished my mid term, quizzes, assignments. MPP moonfest had finished, our job is done. To be honest, the event is running not very good that night, it makes me feel disappointed so as my teammates. But we'd done our best in it, we don't feel regret. We'd gained precious experience and friendship within it and seriously I'll miss the time when I'm doing backdrop with a bunch of programmers.

Besides that, what am I gonna do now is to start my revision, as I got not much time left to cover up everything if I start my revision late. I'm waiting to go back too on the 20th++ this month. Woohoo.

Btw, I'm chosen as Dancing King in the Chief Delegates team in the coming MyLDS at UTM. I'm happy with it. I'm gonna start busy doing stuffs again. With AIESECers. Yay ! !

Sorry for neglecting my blog, I'll try to update as often as possible.



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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