Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

P&G ASEAN Business Challenge 2013. It was truly an eye opening and amazing experience for me, especially before stepping into the corporate world.

Done my final interview and is anticipating for the result. Complications of securing an internship when I already have an internship placement. 

Song addiction: Cher Lloyd's. She's a talented young girl from X factor.

when I last posted anything here. I guess I have just recollected the thought of writing something here again.

Life has been hard but motivating for me all these months. It's not easy especially when you are gonna graduate and throw yourself in the working world. Fear? I couldn't resist that coming, but intrinsic motivation is much more crucial for me to sustain the excitement of moving on to a whole new phase of my life.

Things change, so do people. Deal with it, and move on, and be grateful about what you're having and love the people around you as much as how they love you.

Keep Your Faith

I've been going through photo of mine in Facebook. And I just love myself.
These are a few pictures of what I did in the past half year in 2012. Unforgettable events and people.

first ever thailand trip to Hatyai, failed UUMers
I'm like selling the Bitagen

AIESEC in UUM Award Night, back to the 60's
I 'm like a boss

An amazing + eye opening country, Japan !
I'm like "Konichiwa"

buaya OGX teammates 11/12 <3
I'm like a captain

Spring Festival drama, i'm the one at right side with specs
I'm like a nerd

Jia Yee's birthday celebration
I'm like "my hair is longer"

this is just cool right

current teammates 12/13 :)
I'm like "Peace"

people that will only give me support under any circumstances,
my lovely family. all of the above wouldn't happen without you all.
I'm like a good boy


Been to Melaka for twice this month. I feel my skin is getting healthier because of the long exposure under the sun but of course getting darker, and fat maybe?
durian baba cendol, chicken rice ball, nadeje mill crepes, satay celup, etc. #yummy

wait, that is a hot sun.

Yay ! Went penang with my friends and family. It is different going with them even-though I've been there for like many times already.
I'm expected to bring them around and to tell them what they have in Penang due to the fact that my school is near to it. And without disappointment plus the fact that I don't own a smartphone which could navigate the direction to the places we wanted to visit, I had my brother and a friend who own that to navigate the road to visit around Penang under the exposure of HOT SUN.
Despite that, I must say I'm a good navigator provided with instructions and directions. Teehee.

I ate a lot in Penang, no doubt. And I'm so full all the time. #satisfied #food
I will show you pictures, not about food,

busy studying at Library, Straits Quay

we are supposed to show panic face, but why only me doing that. #dramaking

this is way nicer. right?

with my familieeeee #saycheese

sometimes, I still dream

Yeap yeap, thats all for my happening trip in Penang ! 
#missthosetime #becamedarker

Having holidays. but-no-time-to-blog-about-my-life
Came back from Penang, I will tell more about it. *crossed fingers


Member Committee Manager result is yet to be announced. i'm not either anticipating or scared. i think it's getting normal although i'm being nervous throughout the whole interview period.

reading plain truth - jodi picoult. quite an interesting book to read, having an attorney defending a girl who is suspected to commit a first degree murder on an infant.

i have to mention i left a paper for finals before i could go home for break. 


i will always find it very excited and resourceful when you're exchanging opinions with your friends. i will find myself evaluating more and step back to grab and link it to the whole story. By listening to people, meaning that you're paying respect to that person who actually gives his/her thoughts to you. 

Opinions can be right or wrong, it depends on how you see it. i see every opinion valuable regardless it is anything or in any forms.
did i mention i left 2 papers for finals? 


I like and I'm pretty good at observing people around. I dislike being questioned over and over again. I might look i-am-okay-with-anything people, people can ask me anything. But bare in mind, ask me only if you will believe whatever answer I gave. One means one, two means two. I will not go lying with what I'm gonna say. In the end of the day, I don't get anything out of it.

I hate mistrusting people, like always, once I found guilty on that person, the feeling will be some-kind like the broken mirror will not be the same again even after you fixed it. Don't go challenge my extend to an extend that I will be horribly mean.

Still, I'm glad because I have a bunch of friend who I can laugh so hard with like people will look at us like total freak or dumbfounded. We can laugh at a tiny thing or stuff, we can laugh to an extend I don't even want to continue listening to those funny funny jokes due to my aching stomach. 

Everyone is not flawless, I make mistakes too.


it is always easy to judge a book by it's cover, whether you're interested to pick it out to continue reading, in the end you will learn a lesson.

it is always difficult to find for a person to open up your heart to, whether how truthful he/she is willing to listen to you, in the end you will still doubting how truthful your friend is. am I right?

I don't even did that. I treated everyone like how I would like to be treated. It would is a bad thing a good friend of mine mentioned a disadvantage of it but sometimes I don't get the same thing in return. I know I have to accept the fact, but deep down, who knows.


Madagascar 3 : Europe's Most Wanted

I never imagined it would be so awesome. 
I was touched about how they see their relationships. 
I never watched the previous 2 movie.

Madagascar 3 taught me you wouldn't know how amazing the world is if you did not step out from your comfort place.


I talked to my marketing management tutor yesterday.

And realized after all communications and skills is what makes you stand out from your peers when you wanted to look for a job, or even during interview. You can't get yourself a job when your result is very bad of course, you have to still maintaining your result.
I agreed with him, communications and skills are the only factors for you to succeed in whatever you want to do, of course a good academic result is an add on. Alright I admit, with also opportunities, but you have to grab it when it comes, do not ever let it slip through your finger if you want regrets. 

Problems will come, it depends on how calm enough you are to solve it.
So, equip yourself well enough it face it.

welcome to the reality

I found this song after Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift.
- Eyes Open -
"The Hunger Games - Songs from district 12 Album"

(understand the lyric when you're watching the video)

- In this cruel world, keep your eyes open, to fight yourself a better life -


please refer to the title. I'm having exam fever over here after transition camp.
But still, chilling out in my university's new library is just so cold and mind relaxing. We got everything there, plug, comfortable seats, silence and air-conditioner etc.
I'll stop here before I start telling story.

Good Luck and all the best to you or whoever is having any kind of test and exam out there.
I'm going back home within a month time. Yay.

am I not being concentrate enough?
I guess it's more than enough.

nah, just ignore it if you see facebook

It's so late at night. As shown on my screen, 0432 GMT +8.

I couldn't sleep in this point of time. There are very limited space for me to go to bed. Therefore, I decided to blog something here.

Did I mention I'm going Korea? I have to tell you that I'M GOING SOUTH KOREA IN JAN'13!
So excited.

My department did Performance Appraisal yesterday. It's always good to reflect yourself and receive feedback from your teammate, people who work with you, people who knows you, people who makes you hold on for so long. I'm glad and touched when I heard 'you're a good leader for me', 'you're good in assigning tasks', 'we're happy to have you as a leader', 'I will support you always'. This is one of my achievement. Although I will never be the ideal leader that all of you intended to follow, but I'm happy in at least I met your expectations and managed to bring the team together to achieve a common goal and established the relationship between us.

You will now know how much I'm truly proud of my teammates, as I said, this is one of the best moment happened to my AIESEC Journey. I will never forget anyone of them, or us as a Buaya Family.
No matter how will we be in the future, I will still keep all of your trust and faith towards me within myself.

I have my Buaya family tree as

Love Buaya Daddy, Chen Shen Chieh
Love Party Girl, Monique Lim Hui-Jing
Love Old Nyonya, Jessie Yong Lee Chin
Love Diet Hippo, Stella Lee Jia Yee
Love Crazy Shortie, Tan Yi You
Love Ham Sap Lou, Soo Kein Hong
Love Creamy Sweetie, IceCream Ang Mui Koon
Love Fashion Lady, Wong Wai Ye
Love Peace Cutie, Lim Shu Chen
Love Silent Princess, Jessica Lau Pui Yin
Love Dancing Queen, ArielTeng Yee Kuan
Love Sexy Boobs, Phyllis Ho Tian Tian
Love Blur Mushroom, Tang Mei Yin

we all received an envelop by yi you with a message and drawing inside !
touched !

my Managers and Junior Executives

my Managers, Jia Yee, Me, Monique, Lee Chin


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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