Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

I'm not having any fever or running nose or cough.
Its a bit serious than that. I got many red spots at my left hand shoulder side.

I thought it would be okay but it doesn't. I went clinic today, when the nurse ask me in and I showed the spots to doctor. The doctor ask me to go out without saying anything. I was like : "huh?" and went out. Then the nurse summoned me and give me medicine and cream to apply on the spots.
Then she ask : "you want take MC or not?", I replied Don't need. Then she ask again : "you're working or studying?". I replied working. Then she say : "you must take MC because it will spread to others if you did't take care properly" and gave me straight 3days MC.
3days? So serious?!. Well, I called my supervisor Nicole and tell her everything. She agreed to give me MCs. I feel sorry to my colleague who gonna work full day as my substitutions when I'm not around. Thank you guys.

I don't want these spots, I don't know how I get these damn things. Because it will feel itchy and pain when I'm hot. So for now, I'll be staying in my room with air-cond. Control my appetite. Drink more water.

I have to take care these properly, I've been controlling my sister not to go onto my bed. Staying far away from me to avoid the spreadings. As well as my parents.


I wish it were the last day of this month. So that I'll get my pay for march.. Hahaha
So broke nowadays.. Keep spending like don't know what and don't know what I've spent on. FEW MORE DAYS. Tahan Tahan.

The more I wish is to turn "ON" what we'd planned earlier.. My god, I'm waiting for confirmation this side and you keep on asking on that side. Aiyoyo, its easy to plan something but its hard to get it "ON". Unless we're studying.. but Most of them are working now. I can't do anything as long as I don't get all of the confirmations. >.<..

I'M Hungery

have to sleep earlier..

some plans are in the process coming now.. working on plans now..

thats all for today. Short and simple and simply post.


Hey, just as usual. Still working shift at Padini Authentics at AEON BTK.

My marketing, Chin Long is switching with another one to in charge our place. Kinda sad hearing this because he is a nice and funny and friendly and talkative and good guy. Like we will share any problem with him, we will say out anything in front of him. But he is leaving us and the effective date will be on the 23th March. Sobz. Hope to see him again sometimes later... Bye bye Chin Long

Anyway, I was in CC yesterday. I saw a mom came in and start beating his child and shouting : "I asked you not to come. Why are you here?! Go back with me." and non-stop hitting him like we used to know. Then everyone inside included me were like : "Omg, pity that boy."... The exciting part is coming...
Then, the mother turn to another side and start hitting the guy who bring the boy there and keep on shouting : "Why you bring him here?!". That guy was so angry and fight back the boy's mother. Can you believe a young guy is fighting with a mother? It does happen in front of me.
The guy say : "You ask him, when did I bring him here?! He came ownself!! Look properly before you scold people!!!", Then the mother gets even angry and shout out : "You know I GIVE YOU FOOD, I GIVE YOU PLACE TO STAY, I GIVE TIME FOR YOU TO PAY UR RENT. and now YOU DID THIS TO ME?!"

I don't know what happen at the end because they went out after that. I feel pity to the mother, the father is trying so hard to pull her away you know. That is why dont go CC without parents notice if you were not allowed. See how a mother would do for a son to protect him.


This is awesome , wonderful for me.
I like movies with these kind of creepy and interesting storyline.
Surprisingly its the same for YXin, PZhen, HGuan and WKiat too I guess.. XD

By Director Tim Burton and Actor Johnny Depp.

The Red Queen. Big Globe Head!!

Seriously, they're Funny

Rate : 8 / 10

to watch the trailer. CLICK ME!!


another off day today. I went Greenbox with Friends at 10 morning, is like so early right? Hahaha
after that I'm like so free until I accompany my other friends for their lunch and dinner.
So, I've been inside JJ for almost a day. Eventough I'm not working.
I got no idea and its kinda tiring too.

Anyhow, I'll be going for Alice tonight with my Best Friends. Hahaha. Long time never go watch movie already. Hopefully that will be nice.. Hee hee

Lastly, Congratulations to those Ex-SPM-ers that pass thier papers with Fying Colours. Great Job..


I work morning shift today. Everything is normal even sales started. Its like no one would bother come in to shop on weekdays. I bought myself a pants today. Weeeee..

Okay, into the topic. I went fullhouse with YXin, Nicole, YYan and Andrew. Although I go sunway, but I never go in fullhouse. So, we planned this thing. It is nice.
We got 6 actually. Due to some reasons, TECK WEE ffk-ed us. Kinda disappointed.
...Make it short...

The PA's. 5 of us there.
The atmosphere there is nice. 

My Food. Not Bad to eat. =)

Little Thomas and our Group Photos

Cam-whoring sessions
This is Nice, look like Lady Gaga style right.
The specs are special.

Andrew is so shy doing this pose and he is non-stop laughing there

I bought this for my dad as his birthday present
since he got no proper sandals XD



I need time,
I am busy working all the time..
I was hoping my rest day will come earlier..
I hope I can get a bit more time to blog here about what happened all these days...
I got so many things here..
I hope I can get a lil more time for me to sleep...

But, what I was hoping more is to get into one of the University I've applied earlier.


.. Happy  48th  Birthday to my ..
.. Dad ..

..a simple wish and a present is just nice



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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