Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody


I miss Klang!

I make new friends here of course. Although my residential hall is far away from campus. but certain people here is nice and friendly. I don't know everyone here, so I mentioned "Certain". I'm not accusing that others are not friendly, is just that "I-don't-know-you". There are a group of crazy friends that they'll actually laugh out so loud and talk everything with you. Is difficult to find friends that you'll actually sit down and talk what you want, and he/she/they'll listen to what you are crapping there. Especially in a new environment. Anyway, my adaptation skill is good.

I met some people here is like, "I-don't-need-to-care-about", some will like "Whatever", some is like "Are you smiling with me? I look away first". I'll feel like you're not friendly at all. People make moves and you just act nothing. Just to tell that, Don't Choose Friends. I wish to make friend with the people here as much as I could, and I did. Some will just think that "Omg, he got another one again" when it comes to the opposite gender. Like I'm being wrong for making girl's friends. I know - Jealousy.

I'm still the same Me.


I'm slowly adopting myself in this University.

Let me tell you what happened here, if you're interested with what I'm gonna tell you, keep yourself reading, or else it will be boring you know.

Ok, you're interested..

Living in this University is not like what I'd thought it would be.
I thought it will be so damn boring here with the classes, the campus will be full of unknown peoples, I'll be wasting my time in activities, the routine everyday is just sleep-study-eat, I'll be facing inconvenient buying things, I'll be so disconnected with the world outside.

But I'd found out that I'm so wrong.

Actually living in a place like this (ULU PLACE) is a good experience for me to actually learn. I'll tell you about it later. be patient ah.
I'm wrong for all the thoughts. The class is damn boring here of course, but its about the lecturer, I form groups for assignment purpose and I make friends in it. everything went opposite with friends inside a class. Not lonely anymore. The activities here are a lot, it depends on what you'd join and how you manage your time. Organizing big event is fun and I'll learn so much from that. My routine no longer s-s-e. It became sleep-meetings-assignments-gathering-talking-grouping-study-and so on.. sounds fun for me right. I'm meeting new friends here. And also my current friends! they do company me a lot! :D I'm able to search for everything I need here, they got markets, bookshop, cafes, and even pasar malam! etc etc.

I know what is it like to face a crowd on the stage,
I know what is needed to face nervous cases, COURAGE,
I'd learned what its like to live by yourself,
I'd learned what is so called PERSEVERANCE.

the best of all is, I've Learned to be a better ME!

I'd joined a singing competition few days ago,
I were able to get in to Semi-Final only. but this helps a lot in pushing up my braveness. Woohoo.
Thanks to my fellow Friends who went and supported me that days. I appreciate it so much!

Klang, I'm still missing you.. I'll be back soon.

Notice the Rainbows. there are two.


I don't own a laptop. this is irritating.
whenever I wanted to online. I must come to the lab. so here am I.
the other thing I dislike is they do have limited time for you to online here. I mean inside the lab.

I wish I could get myself a laptop or netbook,
I wish for a Camera.

And, I dislike blogging inside the lab, is like people are looking at you, looks awkward you know.
Btw, I'm living Great here ! No worries.
I'm still missing Klang !!


Yesterday, friday is considered as saturday if you are living in Kedah like me.
there is no class yesterday, so we decided to get ourself out of here. We went Jitra Mall, somewhere in Kedah.

From the beginning, we're waiting for bus. But there are no buses that actually pass by our residential hall because its full when they round other residential hall first. we were the last one. so, don't hope you'll get a place inside. Instead, we called for taxi, the last choice for us to get there early. Before that, we'd waited for 1 hour plus for bus.

We reached the Mall and its not like the Mall you'll see in Klang, its smaller. Even the cinema there is not GCS or TGV. at least they are showing the latest show. So, we went for Twilight : Eclipse. Eclipse is better than the previous one, Saga. I bet most of you went for this, so I'll skip the feelings-after-watching thingy.

we went for bowling too, we walked around, we went for lunch in a restaurant named "NewTown". I'm like why not "Old Town"? I miss old town. =(

Okay, the angriest thing of all, we have to wait for bus to go back of course, and the people are like squeezing each another to get themself into the bus. Hell la, can't you guys be a little more polite? there are plenty of buses, is just that you have to wait. I missed 2 buses because of the roughness of the people thinking that they won't get themself back if they missed the bus. So, I waited with 2 of my friends.

We get on the bus at last after 1 hour plus. The bus went inside our campus but he is not going to my residential hall place. I walk damn far, imagine damn far about 1 plus Kilometres to get myself a car with another 8 people that is staying in the same place as me. I swear I won't get myself on that bus again. It was tired afterall yesterday.

Class is starting tomorrow, everything is back to normal as well as the bus schedule.
To anyone who is reading this, no matter where you are and who you are, Take Care over there.
I miss Klang...


I got no time to get myself to online..
The lab is closed several days before this for unknown reasons. They are close when people wanted to online so badly. =(

Class started as usual, some lecturer are just boring, I'll like fishing inside.
some they just read the slides on the monitor. and we have to print the slides ourself from the UUM learning portal.

to get PTPTN is so suffering, I have to print all those documents rquired and they need us to 'SAHKAN'. I'm getting so annoyed with the system here, they don't explain properly when you have problems and ask you to just wait. sweat right. Kill them

anyway, hopefully everything will be settled as soon as possible. despite the problems, many society activities are coming up and I'm so looking forward for it. =) At least I don't have to follow the same routine everyday after my class. Eat-Study-Sleep. Haahaa.


just a short post here, I can't crap much.

Okay, I settle everything here in UUM,
I've went through one tough orientation week. Its tiring and you know, boring.
Thank god my roommate is good.. some unlucky one will have boring roommates. But not mine. =D

As I said, I washed my own clothes,
I live everything my own now.
but the thing is I still can't adapt my own that I can't actually online everyday. I'm gonna be so outdated.

Actually that is not so bad from what I thought earlier.
I like the surrounding here, you know ULU places produre fresh air. Okay, I'll be healthier here at least compared to the surrounding there at Klang. Right?

But, I got problems.
Problem with the bus timetable, I'm not familiar with the bus timetable here, and I don't get to go into campus by bus today because there is none today. SWT. that means I have to stay inside my hostel the whole day today. so bad right. I'm staying 3km from campus.

another thing is the timetable for my class. everyone got their timetable except me. I went and ask the people, the person checked for me on internet and came out nothing in the timetable. WTH?! so I'll be starting my class after I'm done with my subjects. I have to add every subject I want all over again. Because mostly the university do for us for our first sem. I don't get the privilege.

 I'm on line using the lab's computer. Its free :D

I'm leaving Klang in another hour. 
Just a simple post to

say bye bye
don't miss me
i know you will
do text me
and ask me

UUM, here I comes !

Lotz of thanks to friends
who came out to gather before I actually left Klang.


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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