Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

yes, the day is near. the day for me to go back Klang. first time going back after so long staying here in this not-bad-until-now University. Its like finally, I can meet my family, my friends, a familiar shopping centre, Bah Kut Teh, and my Bed. And of course I want to talk to my family and friends after so long being here, to share what happened here. It's kind of pathetic experience.

Before that, I'm going for LLDS Local Leadership Development Seminar as I mentioned from 3rd - 5th sept. Looking forward to both of these.

You don't need a bunch of friends to prove anything,
A small group of friends are enough to share your problems.


Yes, its the time for me to tell you what is happening here again.

Firstly, I was so happy that I'd actually got my laptop. It is ACER-G4741G. I can online everyday by using this without going library or lab anymore. I can do my assignment easier. The important thing is, I can facebook wherever I want. *Smile

My mid term is over, I got my management result, 34/50. consider okay lah.:D

Yes, the Alor Setar outing pictures that I wanted to show you. Here it is.....

we went for Bah Kut Teh.  its been so long.

Jia Xin & Me

Alor Setar : Pacific Mall

It is not that Big, only 4 rooms. LOL

The last Airbender ! Skills

Shopping Boyss

Lollipop of the Day

Chee Kar - Me - Linda - Hon Choong - Jia Xin

tuut tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..

Picture of the Day

Few more Days, Klang !

I need time. for facebook

My mid-term is going on.
I got no time to blog. Sad case.

But the good news is, Mid semester Break is getting near. Looking forward.


Okay, I'm using my friend's (Add Heart) computer to write these things out. quite pathetic.

Okay, this is what I'm gonna say, sounds formal right. Actually not

AIESEC! I mentioned the interview thingy right previously? Yeah! I got chosen as Junior Executive of Talent Management. I'm considering myself very lucky and happy as well. too bad few friends of mine never apply for any post. nevermind, they'll apply and they'll get as well. hopefully I can collaborate well with the AIESECers smoothly throughout events and activities.
Btw, I'm going Penang for Local Leadership Development Seminar aka LLDS in this coming sem break which will be held on 3rd to 5th september.. This will be considered as my first 'Camping' activity after so long being here. **Smile


Sometimes how you think is not what you've seen,
Sometimes how you feel is not what you've listened.
I got my crazy friends here, I'm being me and being normal.
If you want to step into my boundary, follow my rules, please.
thats all and thanks for your co-operation.
I might receive Badness, but I'll give out Fairness.
Be Equal / Be Fair and Be Mature.

Okay lah, it is just what I feels. You won't understand.
I like complaining and telling out whenever I'm not satisfied.
This is one of the place. Right?! 
Go create one also.

Despite that, I'm posting about Alor Setar outing very soon!! Gosh!


I'm so gonna update very soon.
I don't own myself a laptop yet. this is totally a sad case right.
catch up with me soon.. :D

I miss Klang!


Lemme share some pictures of what I'd gone through here.

This is AIESEC's Inception: The Day
My roommate with the Lt. Pink shirt, Hon Choong
My Klang-Mate with the white shirt, Han Wei; yellow shirt, Linda; and pink-grey stripe shirt, Chee Kar
A Friend an alien from Mars with the grey-black stripe shirt, Jia Xin

 Moment we're having lunch together. The middle one with specs is a taiwanese! His name is Su Ni.
The purple one is a friend from Ipoh, Kar Yee
The rest is former schoolmate Ching Nie, Candace, Amanda and Jee Yeng

Hari Pahlawan. It is about Bukit Kepong. its kinda sleepy there.

we even played tennis! first time whey.

this is so not true. boys went in everytime to go to their room including me.
they put this because previously this is girl's residential hall.

thats all for now, more to come!

I'm having a choir competition on this Saturday.
I joined because I really like singing. I don't care what song are you singing, as long as I know the language. Alright.
But, choir really requires teamwork, you know teamwork. Some guys are not serious in it and act simply when they are singing. Come on, we're going as residential hall representative not kinder garden kids singing competition. If you want to play around and shout like its your home. Go back to your room. All we need is cooperation and self control. What I actually respect is the Vice President of this program, she's an OKU and she really did her best to guide us in this competition although she's not really around every time we practice. I don't want to disappoint her *Bow***

Every activities are getting started and I'm gonna be busy. Mid term exam is around too. The first one is on the 20th of August and I have to cover 8 chapters and so on. I had to pump up myself to do well in this.

A Lil about myself, I'll complain if I got unsatisfied, I'll talk it out if I dislike. this is one of the way letting go my feelings. I don't like saving all inside and act nothing. No, I can't. I want to communicate with others if I'm having problems. If and only if you have problems, just share it out. Don't ever keep it inside. At least talk to someone. Cheers


Hey AIESEC. What's Up.

I came across this organization when I first came in UUM. my friends around me would say : "Lets go join AIESEC, they say is good.". I don't really know what is it all about at the beginning. After the recruitment drive and after I'd attended the exchange session, "Inception: The Day", the Chit-chat session, and the LEADERS' Day. I'd know what really AIESEC is. It doesn't disappoint me with what I'd thought earlier, it was fun.

The facilitator were being good and active with the newbies like us, and of course me. There are process that you need to undergo to become one of their members, it is as what I'd said above.
The purpose for joining this organization is self development. Basically Leadership, but they also provide Exchange program! this is the attractive one. We can even make Interns friends from other countries. Well, lets give it a try at least right. Never Try, Never Know. I know it will make myself getting even busier, but at least I'd show effort in doing this, even if I failed.

I make new friends there, the facilitator there are so friendly, some of them even came from the same hometown as me. The best part is I got my friends to accompany me in all these activities. We can make fun together anywhere and anytime. And now....

Be Yourself your own,
Not how Others want you to Be.


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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