Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Dear all :


- may all prosperity goes to you in this dragon year 
make it a fruitful one -

Just from : sC

I feel angry, when my brother bring friends come into the house in the middle of the night when all of my family members are sleeping. It is noisy indeed and I feel disturbed.

the thing I can't accept IS WHEN I'M DISTURBED WHEN I WANT SILENT.
please la, be considerate, if you're the one how would you feel?!
he do whatever he wants, he don't think, no i mean he never think about one's feeling.


I'm back in Klang town. So happy right?
Chinese New Year song everywhere, Wishes everywhere.

I managed to use only 2 out of 4 Book Voucher. The staff said because the other 2 don't have a complete university cop on it. I was like WTH?! and they require me to get a new one from my uni authority. That means I have to go all the way back and exchange it and then only I can buy it at Kedah's bookstore. Great.
But they good thing is we managed to get 5 books, 4 for my mom and 1 for me out of the 100MYR book voucher.

Lets start with the "LO" behind every sentence.
you every time like that want lo. if i want to know about it i already ask you lo. now you want to scold other first lo. i really don't understand lo.

- I know what to do under certain circumstances - 

the book i bought is 'the death relic', a thriller book

am gonna finish my last paper today.

am going back at 10.30pm bus.
am leaving my stuffs behind.
am seeing my friends and family in town.
am back in town in 1 day.
am missing my family right naoooo.

i wish all the best to my friends for the remaining papers.
i bet you'll spend your holiday with a great one after this. 

The challenges we face today big or small will be nothing and in the past tomorrow. 
Don't worry about tomorrow, do what you can today and let the past go.


words can be harsh
words can be lovely
it all depends how you take and how you see
i feel great giving my thoughts to friends and people

- if you're not riding on a roller coaster now, you life is just dull -

you can read it upside down

I've made a list of books to buy with my vouchers worth 200MYR. I hope I can find these book in popular and exchange it with the vouchers because I get to know from some friends that we're only able to use it on academic books. Are these considered? Why not, it teaches me lessons about life.

Not to worry, I've checked at some forum. As long as the book or whatever thing is inside the authorized bookstore, you can purchase by the vouchers.

and most importantly, Nicholas Sparks Collection

Anticipating for the day I visit Popular Bookstore again.

my cute little sister

Jenny Chen, 8 years old, standard 2, Lee Hom Fans, love singing.

I prefer face to face conversation with her instead of facebook conversation. She tend to talk something I don't really understand, but I feel appreciate and happy when I saw a chatbox from her pop out out of a sudden. She is an ordinary kid, she is stubborn sometimes, she cries a lot, she get angry when she don't get the thing she demanded. Still I love her lots because she's extraordinary to me and to my family, with her presence,  I gave more love, I added one more space in my room, I'm living a happier family, I have one more companion for my parents, I have one more person to support what I'm into, I have her to wait for me to go home no matter how far or how long I'm out of town.
- a sister is a forever friend -


Been reading this book recently,

It's a worth reading book, you can know in which circumstances you have to give, in which situation you have to take, when it comes to damaged relationship, what should you do to heal it. I'll show you one:
- healing a relationship doesn't go to the problems first, but emotions -
I feel happy and delightful to come across this book. You might not find the lessons you wanted from this, but you'll get yourself to realize on how amazing the power of giving is. What you can give to the people around you? Who you can give to? I've got everything figured out.


I deserve a chance to go for it. 
I can prove myself to be a better person. 
I've decided to run for LCP. 

If you're in a bad mood, talk to people that will bring you up.
Don't talk about your problem, because it will cause more problems.
Talk about the solutions instead. 


Happy New Year. 2012

Instead if studying at uni where I got a paper to sit on 01.01.2012. My friends and I decided to go for countdown at Autocity, Penang. So, I had my many first time after that decision made. 

Countdown at Butterworth, Penang for the first time.
Ate Haagen Daz, Fondue for the first time.
Change tyre for at the sideroad for the first time. 
Went back uni at 4 in the morning for the first time.
I sat for a paper on 1st of January for the first time.

So, it's a really great start for another challenging and fun year.

fondue for four

Apart from that, I've decided to run for LCP. But there is always thoughts and people will say you need to improve in order to become a better leader. I'm slow in progress, I'm not passionate enough, I'm playful, I'm soft, I'm not result oriented. They're just not confident with me, unless I change. But it really doesn't matter if whether you change or not, I got no more time to prove that I'm capable. Some they just can't see the hardwork you've did sometimes. I got nothing to lose if I go for it. I'll be grateful if I managed to get them to see my confident, What if I failed to do so? i got a strong sense Whats next? 



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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