Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Just came back from Penang..

Im Tired, Tired and Tired

...Coming update

Weee.. I went Pulau Ketam from morning to noon just now with Daughter, PZhen, HGuan and PHooi.

Firstly, we went there by a speed boat. It cost us 10ringgit for 1 ride.
I cant believe that I dropped my 50ringgit note on the sea when im passing it to the boat driver at the jetty time. I was so freaked out. But luckily he manage to get back the note. If not my remaining 40ringgit will be swept away by the seaflow. Phew..

The weather there is so damn HOT. We wander around there and take pictures until we met BKau. He's 1 of my classmates that know every happening in P.Ketam.
Each of us rent ourself with a bicycle and BKau as our tourguide there.
After that, we cycled for dono-how-long and dono-how-hot-it-is.
The road there considered quite narrow and you have to cycle carefully. If not, you will fell into the sea easily. Hahaha. One more thing, even when we're walking, we have to be caution if there is any people is riding a bicycle on the road because we will have to "Siam" those bicycle, not the bicycle "Siam" us. Or else, you have to let let them to bang on you. XD

Actually I went there due to my art project. I have to take pictures over there. So, we went several place eg. Boat building place, fish dealer market and Etc Etc..

We even ate fried lala there. Oishi! I love their fried lala so much, I've always wanted to go back there to eat this.
It is tiring going P.Ketam but we had so much fun there. ^^
There is some problem with the pictures folder in my computer. I'll post up the picture right after that.

Next up : Penang!!

Its Eng Beng's birthday today.. 25/08/2009
Wishing his wishes will come true as what he had wish.

Its Jackson's birthday on the next day.. 26/08/2009
Wishing his wishes will come true as what he had wish too.

Went Station 1 for Beng's birthday celebration with
Daughter, PZhen, CNie
CHow, CGuan, Candace, BChung & YQing i dont know how to spell her name
Instead of cake, we bought Donutss to celebration for him.. Fabulous!! Haha

And YXin, I need the photo~~ XD

The Birthday 'Cake'


1. I don't eat Donut! 2. Sorry, I should have ate the Donut. T_T

*Star G*

Group Photo!
At last, Im going Pulau Ketam tomorrow!!

had a delicious dinner just now

am Room alone
am listening to 突然好想你 now
am going for charity work tomorrow
am staying in Dong Zen tomorrow for 1 night
want to to go Pulau Ketam
want to finish my art project asap
• want to watch final destination 4
want to go on a vacation
want to learn new songs
want to meet new friends
want to meet my old friends

i'll be back on sunday

Haha, Im back.. It is tiring!
I went for an english buddhist camp at jenjarom for few days with CNie, JHuei, KSiang and many known, half known or dont know people.

What Im doing for these 3 days is handling the PA System. For sure, I dont know anything about that at all for the beginning. But I learned almost everything within few days, Weeeeee. It is fun attending this camp. Making friends and 38 with others especially with the youngest guy Jun Rong there. He is damn noisy and 38.

I post up the pictures after I get it from the others.

the Committeesss!

• I won't be around from friday - sunday •
don't miss me.

Happy Birthday
Chee How 11-8
Adelyn 12-8

Score well in STPM and stay Charm everyday

I should have posted this few days before but I haven get the pictures yet before this.

Venue : Adelyn house
Time : Noon
People : YXinDaughter, VanGDaughter, CNie, YFern, CHow, CGuan

Before that, I went JPJ with HGuan in the morning to renew our going-to-expire P lisence. It was like "Finally that P stickers are going to be removed, I waited for 2 years for this" because there are so many things you cannot do when you're holding P kay.

I'll get this done by this week if possible.

Okay, get back. We baked muffins and prepared foods for our lunch almost dinner. First time doing these and surely im excited and just following what they are doing. Im Noob.

Filling mixture of muffin ingredient into the small cup


The Kiwi's

Mushroom soap and Spaghetti! XD
Here are the settings. For 8 person

Camwhore due to the blackout and Van left her camera coincidently while she's
heading Subang to pick her Beloved Momo back. XD

PS: Momo PRADA is cute.. ^^

Tick tock. Whenever I flash back to some of the funny and crazy things that my friend and I had done, it was like "Wow, time-passes-by-so-fast". I filled in a certificate (Sijil Berhenti Sekolah) today. So, I studied form6 for almost 1 year and a half already. I'll be having STPM exam in 3 months time. After that, I will be kicked off by my school in few months time. Then I'll find a working place at dono-wher while my results are still on the way coming out.. and so on so on... Okay, I got a "time flies like dono-what" feeling nowadays.

Anyway, Im taking a day off from school tomorrow without teacher notice to go Adelyn's house for so called cooking classes with Gangs. Haha, So nice. Well, we'll see tomorrow. XD

I guess she was damn excited with this that she msg to almost everyone,
": To the world: I got my own laptop ady"
So, All I can do is to just ask you to give it to me instead of Congratulations. Hahaha.

ps: YXin, Don't be such stressed out with the "funny thing" the person made just now. Hahaha//
PZhen Congratulation U passed ur bloody-hard-to pass exam

"THE PROPOSAL" yesterday with YXinDaughter and PZhen at Sunway Pyramid. It is funny throughout the whole movie. Enjoyed watching this. Haha. You should go and watch if you haven't. Maybe you can steal the ideas to propose your partner next time. :P

Rate: 8/10

And.. We went for this too during the time before the movie starts.
Just for fun...

V peace


Downstairs incident freak us out

For today, its just the same as previous, I had to go school early morning and waited dono-until-when until the bell rang for me to go up to my class. It was just a normal day until we found this :

A rat

A cat.

+ Dead +

2 Animal corpse near to my class. = =.. I wonder how both of it died. So gross.

Back to now, it is still a normal day after all although that is so abnormal. XD

Just came back from a BBQ session with my classmates and friends.
Im stinky and I can smell the BBQ odour from my body. Now, Im gonna get my things done and jump up on the bed and sleep. Thats all for today, what a short day..

Pictures will be uploaded soon.


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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