Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Everything is almost well prepared, now I have to prepare the feelings inside me. Like what my friends say, they are nervous, worried, happy, excited, sad for being so away from lovely home, for being so away from friends. Everything is new for me there, I don't know what is going on there until I get my ass inside.

UUM is a ULU place that you'll take about 40minutes to go to the town by car. that place was surrounded by natural living things basically trees and animals, perhaps there's another world creature ghost inside. sounds creepy. thinking that they'll pop out suddenly 

I hope there are activities that actually will bring my home-sick-feeling away. Everyone who go so far for study will surely have this feeling. Btw, I'm receiving Good-Byesss from my friends whenever they see me. okay, just few more days to go. I'm so gonna miss my friends here.

Wait For Me


As you know, I'm blasting off to University Utara Malaysia so soon.
There are plenty of things and preparations I had to do before I go there.

Firstly, there are so many forms that I have to fill up in order to pass it up to the officer there after I get in. Of course, they got co-curriculum session there, I have to post the form earlier by pos express to UUM to get the choice I want that is Sport Science.
Due to ptptn loan, I bought a pin.number from BSN. Then, I sent the online application form after doing some  fillings. I have to print some forms from the ptptn website but unfortunate my printer is not working. Sob.

Secondly, is about the attire there. Basically, every student there must, take my word "must" be in formal wear whenever you're going to a class. Jeans and Short pants are not allowed other than Slack if you're going class or library. For males, we must put on a tie, if you refuse to do so, a "saman" of rm30 will be given. What the heck?!
So, I don't have many formal wears so I bought some purposely, it is not cheap whey. =( Including tiesss

I'll be going there on 3rd july. My family and I will drop by around Kedah to stay one night because it is too far and my registration session will be on 8.30-11.30 the next day. Well, Hotel is booked earlier of course. Hahaha.
From next week onwards, I'll be leaving here for a new environment. I have to wash my own clothes, no air-cond room for me to sleep anymore, New culture, New friends, New Room. But its the very chance for me to be independent myself.

It was like I'll be coming back every half a year. I'll seldom online there. But I'll work harder there, I'll bring many fantastic news and gossips back. I'll be talking about how much fun I'll be having there!

I'll miss my family,
I'll miss my mom's food so much,
I'll miss my beloved friends,
I'll miss my bed too.


The University's result came out yesterday.
The website was loading damn slow, and I was like so nervous when I saw a lil a lil thing appearing on the monitor.
I was so Happy and Speechless at the moment I see the result. University Utara Malaysia - Bachelor Of Business Administration. Okay, this is the course and U that I desire. There were 8 choices and I got the 3rd ! =D

Orientation week is starting on 4th July. The place was damn far, Sintok-Kedah

[ This is small, do click to enlarge ]

There are few friends will be same with me. Some got the Same U, Some got the Same Course.

..Thank you to those who congratulated me

Everything will be Revealed tomorrow.
It's the University's result
I've been waiting since March

I'm damn nervous yet looking forward =)
Good Luck everyone


I finished reading and watching Dear John.
This is totally awesome. But there are some different with the novel and the movie, the ending is different.
Movie use to shortened what happen inside right.
I see how things could change really fast even tough its just a short and tiny period.


I don't know why I'll get a bit aching inside when I see people changing from 'In a relationship' to 'Single'.
Things could really change horribly.
I saw sweet words today, but I'll be seeing sour words tomorrow.
No matter how long it takes for a couple to maintain their 'sweetness', it would just take a single second to blow everything away.

"just look at people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through"

Maybe he/she was everything to you before, but now you are able to go though everything without him/her

No matter what happened,
you will not be alone.

As you know, I were resigned from Padini. Should be Padini Authentics precisely.
I start working from the beginning of the year to the end of the month of may. Well, I meet many colleagues there, some of them went study, some of them were transferred to other outlets.

But I'll miss the way you guys teach me when I'm still new,
I'll miss the way you guys call my name when you first met me,
I'll miss the way you guys crack your head to solve a problem,
I'll miss the way you guys laugh when we are gossiping and making fun of others,
I'll miss the face when we get scolded by our seniors when we get complains from marketing.
I'll miss our P.A Cheers. =)

There are sweet and bitter moments when I'm working there. But I do claim that they'll be the best colleagues I ever had. =)

The Day @ Full House

Steamboat @ Yuen

Last Day @ P.A

I like this pose. Remind me of someone.

I love this Photo. Everyone made a face!

..No matter how far you go, just remember that you appreciate
the previous moments that you had.. 

I went and get a new mirror today. It cost 140 bucks. =(
Then, I went for Prince Of Persia at JJ with Jeffrey Koh because I had to pay Astro bills at the post office there. It is cheaper today, WEDnesday mah. Heehee.

Rate : 8 / 10

My phone will be back very soon @ 9.30pm. Weeee. How do I live without you, My Phone.


I went Bukit Cahaya morning just now. I was tired waking up at 6 plus. It was like damn early.
I drove my car and pick Teck Wee, Mei Yee, Yean Xin and Alvin. We headed for breakfast after that.
We drag and reached there about 9am and we took bus for the rounding instead of bicycle because the shop for bicycle renting is not open yet. So, we went four-season-house, it was spring there and I bet you will feel cold inside.
After a rounding session by bus. We finally stopped down and go for the bicycle shop.
The bicycle sessions are so tiring. We cycle up and down, in and out for about 1 hour. But its fun going there, the fares are reasonable too.

Okay, now we are coming out from the park and going towards my car. I saw 2 suspicious guys petrolling there. then I quickly go forward to have a look. It is the rangers on duty there but the DRIVER SEAT MIRROR WAS CRASHED! I was like "O-M-G what happened?". I don't look nervous but I'm trying to be calm and pretend nothing. The rangers asked me questions. Nothing was stolen inside, so they said its the monkeys who did that. Monkey?! Ya, I did saw hands and legs print on the car but will a monkey able to crashed my car's mirror just for nothing?!. Whatever and ever. I called my dad and tell him what happened and he was also calm. This is out of my expectations, because I thought he'd be yelling at the other side.
After that, I followed the rangers to make a report in police station. There are no claims due to no insurances are bought for that mirror. I have to thanks to 3 of them who helped to clean up the parts of the broken mirror. I know this is unpredictable but it do spoiled our mood. CURSE YOU WHO DID THIS!!!

So, we went to Papa John due to the buffet promotion because we're freaking hungry. The service there is just so slow..

It is raining when I'm coming back. I was hoping the rain would stop for a while before I get back home. If it is raining, the raindrops will surely come into the car and it will be so wet inside. Couldn't imagine. At least I'm home now. Very thanks to parents who don't blame and being so understanding. <3


KUALA LUMPUR: Higher Education Department Director General Datuk Radin Umar says that students can check if they have been accepted into public universities from June 18.

Yes yes, this is the moment that I'd wait for damn long since my STPM result. 17days to go to know which University I'm entering. =)


Hey world,

I'm back from Perhentian. I'll elaborate right after I got those Photos. All I can say is : "Amazing"

But the sad thing is I got problems with my phone, I can't turn it on right after I'm back home. Arghhh!!
How do I live with my phone when I actually needed it so badly. =(



My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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