Keep Your Faith

Everybody Needs Somebody

Its MichFernZ burfday at 21/06/2009.. We went greenbox for her celebration.. That includes Daughter, CNie, PZhen, Burfday Girl, JHuei, Dk and I. The room provided was big..

I Wish she'll score well in her STPM this year! ^^
And today few of us [Daughter, GDaughter, Ade, Fern and I] went for a Dato Hamzah school Art subject teacher's house. The house is quite messy with many stuffs around the car porch. Both of the husband and wife were teacher. They agreed to guide us for our project, so good of them.. Hehe.


Group photo @ GreenBox

A Cube made by YXin for Fern

Happy 19th Birthday to you that is holding da cube ^^

x Signing off x [24 June 2009]
Art project art project

Friday [19/06/2009]

Its the birthday of Soo Brothers a.k.a the triplets. They like really alike when I first met them at padini and I'll always becareful so that I won't call the wrong person. But now I can differentiate them easily after a year. ^^.. We celebrated at Neway Centro. Many of our classmates attended that night, they should be very happy too.. The buffet at night were delicious and our room's surroundings are not bad. Enjoyed! I wish they could achieve a great results in thier coming STPM.

Happy Burfday to 3 of you -Hong-Eng-Wah-

Drinking Champange. YuM SenG

Classmates and M3

Saturday [20/06/2009]

Former school Chinese Society's activity, its been almost 2years since I left Raja Mahadi. Daughter, CNie, JHuei, KSiang and I got an invitation to attend thier activity this year. The programmes they arranged are quite funny especially the acting part. There are also other school that came ACS, TPG, KU and bla bla. They are not active by just sitting there watching only except for the seniors and KU school that are dancing and shouting there. Hahaha.


.Seniors. V^_^V


x Signing off x [22/06/2009]
Had so much fun

Tuesday [16/06/2009]

Went for a school trip with whole bunch of upper6 students and some lower6's. Destination - Science Centre and Parliament. The weather is extremely hot nowadays. Im the 1st timer for both of these places. Science centre is quite nice inside, but there are some machines that is not funtioning. Daughter, GDaughter, Ade, CNie and I walk around together inside =D. And for Parliament, the rules to get in are very strict. No digital devices, tie must be wore so properly, uniform attire and Silence. Its boring inside and nothing other than sitting there watching them debating about country issues. How can we missed our camwhoring session..


Try looking at our face

Satellite Transmission.. Tee Dee

V .Peace. V

Its us in a line at the garden part
All Of US

x Signing off x [Monday, 22 June 2009]

.No more work.
Went Malaysia Science Centre and Parliament today ^^
Updates will be soon..

x Signing off x[Tuesday, 16 June 2009]

Busy working these few days...

One of our PA staff is leaving. It is his last day today. And his name is James Tan Wei Jie a.k.a Yang Berhormat @ 偶像派气质型男.. Haha. He's so funny and considered as half of my Si-Fu for teaching me almost everything at the first day when Im on duty..

PA's staffs

- Ben - Chin Hoe - Nicole - I

Chin Hoe - I - Yang Berhormat,
But I guess my eyes ter-slip out from the camera

Its time for me to climb onto my bed.
Morning shift somemore tomorrow//

x Signing off x [Monday, 8 June 2009]
YB buy us donut today. XD

Today is thursday... I know you know that.

Im mentioning this because Im off today, OFFDAY. You know the feeling of having offday after you've worked for so hard? Okay, you know. And of course I won't simply waste it with sleeping whole day inside the room or go online whole afternoon or sitting on the sofa watching TV whole day or bla bla.

So, I went Greenbox with Daughter, GrandDaughter and Ade. And Ade's sisters are in the room just beside ours. Imagine 10 morning, we went there 10 morning. So early huh? Somemore, economy tuition for today was canceled! I was very happy when I heard this from daughter, that means I can enjoy my offday today because I purposely choose my offday on thursday just because of this tuition class.

.Safety precautions due to Swine Flu I guess.
.But its funny.

There goes 3hours, and after that we 'bring' granddaughter to the entrance where Ian is waiting her for dating at sunway. Lol. The rest of us are planning to have a drink at MCD but its full even at b.tinggi place because of the 12-3pm promotion. End up at old town shop with HGuan joined. MCD seems better because of the free-flow-drink service. We can chit-chat and refill, chit-chat and refill for thousands time also its ok, so bad huh? XD

Night plan, Going Club9!! Weee.. Its for playing pool and drinks. Recommended by granddaughter last week. The environment there was so nice compared to others that I've went before.

x Signing off x [Thursday, 4 June 2009]

1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed? Cheek
2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning? Work fever
3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with? My Classmates
4.Would you consider yourself spoiled? Ya gua. Haha
5.Will you ever donate blood? Yes! is at My current sch
6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? Sure ^^
7.Do you want someone to be dead? Well, Im not that cruel
8.What does your last text message say? Dad: I wait outside now
9.What are u thinking right now? Sleep
10. Do you want someone to be with you now? No, my sleepy mood might be disturbed
11.What was the time you went to bed last night? 1am
12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now? I got it from pc fair, 'RuumZ'
13.Is someone on your mind right now? Yah
14.Who was the last person who text you? My dad

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz…
1-Mei Yee-
2-Pei Zhen-
4-Michy Fern-
5-Christine Ho-
7-Seng Hwa Chian-
10-Davis Chern-

15. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with? She's available =D
16. Is no. 3 a male or a female? Female
17. If no. 7 and and no. 1 get together, would it be a good? Omg, thats worse
18. What is no. 10 studying about? Upper form 6
19. When was the last time you chatted with them? Got lar in a month time
20. Is no. 4 single? Yes, grab her!
21.Say something about no. 2. She's a bit blurry sometimes XD
22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together? They don't even know each other I guess
23.Describe no. 9. She's doing hard for her exam
24. What will you do if no. 6 and no. 7 fight? STOP!
25. Do you like no.8? Ok, She's a good girl, playful and like to camwhore 1

Im so sleepy now, just came back from work, meet some new friends and they're funny, so funny. Happy working there although its quite tiring. Nites

x Signing off x [Monday, 1 June 2009]

I went lagoon as planned. Okay, let me start from the very very beginning.

I have to fetch my mom to sunway hospital for check up because the doctor called and changed the appointment to Friday instead of Thursday. At first, I thought I'll manage to reach home at about 10 or 11something if I go early. As usual, blood test-medical report-pharmacy then go back. After the blood test, I waited and waited for the medical report to be done and it takes about 1 and 1/2 hour for the report to send to the doctor. I stared at the clock on the wall and it shows 11+am. I'll be the "king of late" today. We planned to go at 10something, everybody were prepared at 10am except for me. They are waiting for me only and I'm still inside the freaking hospital waiting the freaking medical report. After the medical report was sent, my mom was summoned by the doctor and bla bla-ed inside the room then we headed to pharmacy for medicine. Again, 10 over more people to go before our turn. Haiyo..

Finally, I'm out from hospital at about 12noon. I was late for 2hours already. Then, something worse happened, guess what? Traffic Jam. I was like 'oh-my-god, they're going to chop my head off.' I'm so frustrated that time and the line was long like don't know what. Imagine my head are exploding inside the car. Why everyone must come out and make traffic jam when I'm being so rush. None of the traffic police was doing their job although I see few of them wondering on the street, What is this?.

After don't-know-how-long, I came out from the jam and reached home at about 1pm+. We [YXindaughter, VanGDaugher, Adelyn, HGuan] headed to lagoon. I feel sorry for them to wait me for almost 3hours. And finally, we reached pyramid for car park and meet up adelyn's bf - William there.

We entered lagoon just after we got our wristband that's a Watch. I didn't know that they changed the wristband to a blue colour watch and it looks better than the earlier one.
Lucky there is no rain, we manage to play everything except for walking on the long hanging bridge. I saw peoples dancing at the water there as those Indian songs were played. So funny lar. There's a 'sneak preview' the 'preview snake', the snake was huge!! Seriously, the new 360* pirate ship was awesome, Imagining a heavy ship turn around 360*. The safety precautions for that ride were quite good. But Van can't get a chance to play that and take picture there cause she left earlier, Sob.
But I guess all of us enjoyed in lagoon.. =D

At the entrance of water park.

Entrance of Lagoon. The duck is Van rite? Hahaha

Night time, we went for steamboat buffet except for Van cause she left earlier and William that is going back to kampung but with additional that's WKiat, SDuan, JHuei, Ksiang and BChung. We ate everything we can, because we're so starve after lagoon. Our stomach was so empty. And of course we're so full after having the eat-all-you-can dinner. Lol.

Lastly after dinner, all of us headed to 1st Station to meet up with Van and her bf - Ian for HGuan birthday's celebration. Ordered some drinks and chat for sometime. Then, we start to happy-birthday-to-you4 to HGuan. Instead of writing so long, Let the pictures talk..

'I want to cut my cake, Hehe!'. That's what he's acting.

Birthday cake bought by Van, Ade, YXin, William and M3

...Group Photo...

So, that's all for 29/5. Its packed with fun and activities. ^^ Btw, I'm starting my holiday work today. Its noon shift. Bless me~//

x Signing off x [Monday, 1 June 2009]
...Starbucks Camereal cream is nice!


My photo
Well, I always crack my head and found out I got a tonnes to say if it comes to introducing myself. you'll know when you know me. Enjoy.

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